Personal BoD Conversion Book and Disclosure Packet
OOPS Occasional Overdraft Privilege Service Guidelines - Consumer Pg 2
Revised 05/2022
We will give you reasonable notice when we amend this Authorization. If this Authorization needs to be amended because of a change in State or Federal law, the change shall be effective immediately without notice. If no termination date is specified on page 1 of the authorization, this Authorization will remain in effect until terminated by any one of you. We may terminate this Authorization by giving you written notice at the mailing address we have on record at that time. We may change our fees at any time and will give you at least 30-days advance notice. Any notice will be effective immediately when mailed or delivered by us. Notice to any one of you is notice to all of you. AMENDMENTS AND TERMINATION Electronic Monitoring and Alerts MidWestOne Bank's Personal Online Banking Service and Mobile Banking Service provide customizable account alerts. You can be notified via email, text message, or both if your account balance ever falls below a particular threshold. This service is free, though text and data rates may apply MidWestOne Bank ("we, us or our") offers the OOPS (Occasional Overdraft Privilege Service). If your account qualifies for OOPS, we will consider, without obligation on our part, paying items for which your account has insufficient or unavailable funds, instead of automatically returning those items unpaid. This document explains how OOPS operates. Transactions that May Qualify for OOPS An overdraft occurs when you do not have enough money in your account to cover a transaction. Although there are many reasons why your account might become overdrawn, most overdrafts result from the following: a) You write a check, swipe your debit card or initiate an electronic funds transfer in an amount that exceeds the amount of funds available in your account; b) You deposit a check or other item into your account and the item is returned unpaid, which causes a negative balance in MidWestOne does not charge any fees or interest for the Overdraft Flex. Any negative balance due to the use of Overdraft Flex is subject to our "Our Right to Set Off" section in the MidWestOne Bank Account Agreement as well as the other provisions of the MidWestOne Bank Account Agreement. Although there are no overdraft fees, there may be out-of-network or third-party fees associated with ATM transactions. d) You initiate a transaction before funds deposited into your account are "available" or "finally paid" according to our Funds Availability Policy. For example, if you deposit a check into your account, the proceeds of that check may not be available to you for up to seven business days after you deposit the check. If you do not have sufficient funds in your account-independent of the check-to cover the transaction, you will incur an overdraft. The OOPS Service applies to a variety of transactions, including checks and other transactions made using your checking account number, automatic bill payments, ATM transactions and everyday debit card transactions; however, for consumer accounts, we will not include ATM and everyday debit card transactions within our OOPS Service without first receiving your affirmative consent to do so. Absent your affirmative consent, ATM and everyday debit card transactions generally will not be paid under OOPS. Participation in OOPS is not mandatory. You may opt-out of the service any time by notifying one of our Customer Service Representatives. Furthermore, you may revoke your affirmative consent to have ATM and everyday debit card transactions considered MidWestOne reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine what transactions are considered Qualifying Direct Deposits in addition to the transactions described above. MidWestOne may change the terms and conditions of this agreement at any time. Any such change shall be effective as soon as the modified version is posted in the mobile application. We will also provide you notice of any change to the terms and conditions of this agreement. Your use of Overdraft Flex following such change constitutes your acceptance of the revised terms and conditions of this agreement. If, at the time of settlement of a transaction, your MidWestOne Bank checking account has an overdraft balance, your Bank Your Change deposit will not be completed. your account once your balance is reduced by the amount of the returned check; c) You have inadequate funds in your account when we assess a fee or service charge; or
for payment under OOPS without removing other items from the service. Simply inform us of your preference. We retain full discretion to decline to pay any overdraft item under the OOPS Service for any reason.
Even if we decide to pay an overdraft item, absent an agreement to the contrary, such payment does not create any duty to pay future overdrafts. If we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, your transaction may be declined and we may assess an Overdraft Fee or Nonsufficient Funds (NSF) Fee on your account in accordance with your account agreement and the fee schedule in effect at the time of the overdraft.
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