MWO Promo Memo

MWO Promo Memo

Advertising Campaigns Sales Promotions  Bank Sponsored Events

March 2020

 Sponsored Events IOWA CITY: KIDS’ ART SHOW March 26 102 S Clinton St

MidWest One Bank is proud to showcase the Kids’ Art Exhibit. This program offers the children in our community the opportunity to be creative, to dream and to build their self-esteem. Each year MidWest One Bank selects 25 pieces of artwork to be featured in the Kids’ Art Calendar and an additional 25 pieces to be framed by Blick Art Materials. The 2020 exhibit and reception will be held on Friday, March 26, from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Downtown Iowa City MidWest One Bank, 102 South Clinton Street. We look forward to seeing you there. It always amazes us how talented these kids are. DUBUQUE: FIGHTING SAINTS WINNING EDGE Mystique Ice Arena March and April As part of our presenting sponsorship with the Dubuque Fighting Saints, Mid- WestOne Bank and the Saints are promoting “The Winning Edge.” Saints fans are encouraged to register now through April 18 at all Dubuque, Dyersville, and Farley MidWest One offices, all Saints home games, and through Facebook. Each week a lucky fan will win an opportunity to join the team for a specific activity (like dinner for four in the Saints 4 LifeClub, or watch the pre-game warm-ups from the bench). On the final night of the season, April 18, (Fan Appreciation Night), one lucky person will win $5,000 cash from MidWest One . Employees of MidWest One and their immediate families are not eligible to win. SHRED DAYS All Participating Offices April 13-17 MidWestOne is inviting customers to bring their unwanted papers or docu- ments to any participating MidWestOne Bank location to have them securely shredded and recycled at no cost. Limit 3 grocery-sized bags per person. INCLUDE YOUR BANK SPONSORED EVENT HERE! E-mail a brief desciption and photo or other promotional materials to Deb Bakken by the third Friday of the month before your event.

MidWest One Bank Kids’ Art Exhibit MidWest One Bank isproud to showcase theKids’Art Exhibit. Thisprogramoffers the children inour community the opportunity to be creative, to dream and to build their self-esteem. Thank you for encouragingyourchildren tosubmitartwork. EachyearMidWest One Bankselects25piecesofartwork tobe featured in theKids’ArtCalendarandan additional25pieces tobe framedbyBlickArtMaterials.The2020exhibitand receptionwillbeheldon Thursday,March26 from5:30-7:30PMat theDowntown IowaCityMidWest One Bank,102SouthClinton Street.We look forward toseeingyou there. (Pleasesee the reverseside forartworkguidelines.)

MidWest One .com



Your chance to win!

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Prizesgivenawayat the followinghomegames:

March6,2020 vsChicago-Kid'sClubExperienceon4/18 includes four tickets,hotdogs, sodas, twoKidszonebraceletsand twoautographed mini sticks



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March20,2020vsCedarRapids-Suite for10 forApril18th



March27,2020vsDesMoines-Dinner for four inSaint4LifeClubplus fourgame ticketsonApril18th



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April5,2020vsCedarRapids- Autographed JerseyandStickplus four tickets togameonApril18th

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April10,2020vsDesMoines-Watchpre-gamewarm-ups from thebench foryouand threeguestsonApril18th

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April11,2020vsDesMoines Cashgrabconteston4/18atCenter ice (oneperson)plus fourgame tickets





April 18 - $5,000 * fromMidWest One Bank Registerweekly!All registrationswillbeput in the finaldrawing! Rules:Must be 18orolder toenter.No purchase,payment,donationoraccount required to enter orwin andneed not be present.Offer voidwhereprohibited.Employees ofMidWest One Bank andDubuqueFighting Saints and their immediate familymembersare not eligible towin.Prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable and no substitutions or cash equivalents are allowed.MidWest One Bank andDubuqueFightingSaints and itsagencies assume no responsibility for damages, losses,or injury fromacceptance, transportation, or useof any prize.Oddsofwinning are dependent upon number of entries.Winnerswillbe notified inperson, by telephone orUSMailwithin fivedays of eachdrawing.Thewinnerswill be required toprovideproper identification (including picture ID andSocialSecurity number) to redeem theprizes.Thewinnerswill be required to verifyaddress or executean affidavitof eligibility and releasewithin fourteen days of notificationattemptorprizeswillbe forfeitedand alternativewinnerswillbe selected.This offer is voidwhere prohibited by law and subject toall federal, state, and local laws.Copies of the rules and regulations areavailable atanyMidWest One office, online orDubuqueFightingSaintsoffice. *Winnerwill receivea1099MISC statement at theendof the year and be responsible forany applicable taxes.

Photo courtesy ofDubuqueFightingSaints


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