Fall 2018 Flipping Book
A Junior Banker publication. Anyone age 12 and under can become a Junior Banker member simply by opening a savings account at any American Trust location. The Junior Banker Club encourages saving and wise money management through fun, educational activities. Fall 2018
Mad Scientist Party Sunday, October 21, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
J oin us for a special Halloween event at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium. Enjoy trick-or-treating around the wetlands, science experiments, live animal programs, and other hands-on activities.
The majority of the event will be held indoors, costumes are encouraged, and food and beverages will be avail- able for purchase. The museum store will be open all evening. The NMRMA is wheel chair and stroller accessible. The event is for all ages and is a non-scary, family-fun experience for children 12-years old and younger. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Cost is $5.00 per person age three and older. $4.00 for mem- bers. Junior Bankers and parents get in free! Doors open for Junior Bankers at 3:30, doors open to the public at 4:00. Call 563.582.1841 ext. 7374 for tickets.
Asbury Halloween Parade Friday, October 26, 7:00 p.m.
T he Parade will start at the Lord of Life Church at the corner of Springreen Drive and Hales Mill Road and end in the area behind the Asbury Eagles Club. A fter the Asbury Halloween Parade meet in the Park for a safe trick-or-treat- ing event. Walk through the park and visit various booths which will be handing out treats. Come and enjoy this fun, safe, and free event brought to you by the Asbury Area Civic & Recreation Foundation and many Asbury area businesses and organizations.
Making Change Game
T his game requires dice and real or cardboard coins and is appropriate for kids who know how to add numbers. The goal of the game is to collect the correct number of coins to create a dollar. Players take coins based on a roll of the die. The numbers on the die correlate to the coin values as follows:
1 — Penny 2 — Nickel 3 — Dime 4 — Quarter 5 — Any coin (wild card) 6 — Lose a turn
Players take turns rolling the die and adding coins. The winner becomes the first player to reach exactly one dollar. If taking a coin would put the player over a dollar, the player loses the turn. Your goal doesn’t always have to be a dollar, for an added challenge change it at the beginning of every game!
Dear Junior Banker
T he bankers in my nest high atop American Trust have been working hard to make it easier than ever for my Junior Banker’s Club members to enjoy fun events, learn about money, and earn valuable rewards! So you can get the latest information about what’s happening at the Club, I would like to send my Earny-the-Eagle mail and news- letters directly to you, my young savers. Currently, this newsletter is sent to an adult’s address. Going foward we will send to your address, and addressed to you! This change does not apply to statements. It will only apply to information about Club events and financial education. If your parent or guardian does not want this to change as described above, please call Club Coordinator Erin Schumacher at 563-582-1841 or 800-373-1841 by November 1.
I don’t want you to miss out on the fun of getting your own mail, earning valuable rewards points for participating, or learn- ing about the importance of saving.
Sleeping Beauty Sunday, November, 11, 2018 – 2:00 p.m. UD Heritage Center
T his musical adaptation from the original story by Charles Perrault follows the plot of the traditional fairy tale, but adds delightful surprises and comic situations. The Fairies’ wondrous gifts to the child are given until a single invitation to the party is
missed. A prick on the spinning wheel will take its toll on the kingdom. Will destroying all the spinning wheels be enough to save the king’s daughter? Find out as this tale illustrates that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and true goodness is found only in a loving heart. Junior Bankers are free, adults are just $10.00, and non-Junior Bankers are just $5.00. Call 563.582.1841 ext. 7374 for tickets.
Bernie and Earny Kids Club
J oin the club and make cheering on the Fighting Saints a family
affair. Open to all children 12 and under, membership is free. All members receive birthday wishes, e-newsletters, 15 percent off Saints’ merchandise (children’s sizes only), and an exclusive invitation to attend a Kids Club party with the Fighting Saints players! Parents must be present to sign kids up. It’s easy to do. Just stop in at any American Trust office and fill out a Kids Club Registration form or go online to dubuquefightingsaints.com. Go Saints!
October 21 October 26
Mad Scientist Party
Asbury Halloween Parade
November 11
Sleeping Beauty at UD Heritage Center
Parent’s Corner
Christmas Clubs 2018 and 2019
I f you have a 2018 Christmas Club* you can expect your accumulated savings to be deposited into your designated account on October 20. Open an account anytime throughout the year. New 2019 accounts can
be opened beginning October 22, 2018, and for a limited time with a $25 opening deposit, you’ll receive $5. Make it easy on yourself by setting up an auto-deposit from your paycheck or other account on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis. Start saving for the holidays early to avoid accu- mulating credit card debt. Open yours today! *Interest accrues daily and is credited to your account annually. No monthly service fee. $10 minimum deposit to open. One withdraw of funds is allowed once a year in addition to the October transfer.
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