Enroll Cover

Estimated  Monthly Rate  

Plan Level Expense  Inactive Employees

Applied to Plan 

Multiply 0.000154 by your monthly account balance and add $0.67  The plan level expense fees are calculated on a monthly basis; however, the Reporting and Disclosure Fee may be charged annually. To determine the annual fee, multiply the  estimated monthly rate by 12.  If the plan document permits payment of plan expenses from forfeitures, they may be used to offset fees invoiced to your plan sponsor as well as  charged to your account.  Individual Expenses  In addition to the plan‐level expenses, your account may be charged certain expense on an individual basis. For example, if you elect to receive a distribution from  your account, you may be charged a distribution processing fee. The chart below lists all potential individual expenses that may be applied to your account based on  the provisions of your plan and elections you make. 



Applied to Plan

ATArchitect  (optional election)

0.15% of your total assets 

1/12th of this rate is charged on a monthly basis 

Distribution Processing 

$75  $75  $80  $80  $75  $75  $75  $25  $200  $100 

Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged  Charged 

Installment Distribution  (annual fee)

Loan Application 

Loan Maintenance  (ongoing quarterly fee) 

Domestic Relations Order Review  Hardship Distribution Processing  In‐Service Withdrawal Processing 

Required Minimum Distribution Processing (RMD) 

Missing Participant Search   In Plan Roth Conversion  Check Issuance  (per check) 


Wire Transfer 

$30  $50 

Overnight Delivery 

Checks mailed to participants that are over $25,000 (required  overnight delivery) 



Any individual expense charged to your account will be reflected on your quarterly statement.   Fee Information 

The cumulative effect of fees and expenses can substantially reduce the growth of your retirement savings. Visit the Department of Labor’s Web site for an example  showing the long‐term effect of fees and expenses at www.dol.gov/ebsa/publications/401kemployee.html. Fees and expenses are only one of many factors to  consider when you decide to invest in an option. You may also want to think about whether an investment in a particular option, along with your other investments,  will help you achieve your financial goals.  Investment Disclosures   ATCapital Management, and affiliate of American Trust, sub‐advises the investment management of the ATDynamic and ATTrend collective investment trust funds.       The Expense Ratio is the percentage of fund assets paid for operating expenses and management fees. The expense ratio typically includes the following types of fees:  accounting, administrator, advisor, auditor, board of directors, custodial, distribution (12b‐1), legal, organizational, professional, registration, shareholder reporting,  sub‐advisor and transfer agency.  The expense ratio does not reflect the fund's brokerage cost or any investor sales charges. In contrast to the gross expense ratio, the  net expense ratio does reflect fee waivers in effect during the time period. The CIT expense ratio can include the weighted expense of the underlying funds, if  applicable.  The Morningstar information contained herein (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or redistributed; and (3) is not  warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Other data provided is based upon information received from third parties, which is believed to be accurate, but no  representation is made that the information provided is accurate and complete. All data is subject to change.  No Bank Guarantee ‐ Not FDIC insured ‐ May lose value To better understand your options, visit www.sparkinstitute.org for a glossary of investment terms relevant to the investment options under this plan.  For more information, please contact your American Trust representative at 800.548.2994.

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