Enroll Cover
Mutual Funds Name/Type of Option
Total Annual Operating Expense
Average Annual Total Return As of 7/31/2017
Since Inception
Shareholder‐ Type Fees
As a %
Per $1,000
1 year
5 year
10 year
Interm‐Long Term Bond Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond N
0.39% 0.05%
$3.90 $0.50
2.06% 3.26% ‐0.69% 1.93% ‐0.51% 2.02% 11.68% 7.06% 10.94% 6.73%
6.32% 4.40% 4.44% 7.88% 8.26% 1.97% 0.46%
‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
None None
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Adm Benchmark: BBgBarc US Agg Bond TR USD
High Yield Bond BlackRock High Yield Bond K Stable Value American Trust Stable Value
Benchmark: BBgBarc US HY 2% Issuer Cap TR USD
0.20% 1
1.74% 1.55% 0.65% 0.20%
Benchmark: USTREAS T‐Bill Auction Ave 3 Mon 1 Represents fees paid to the underlying fund
Total Annual Operating Expense
Average Annual Total Return As of 7/31/2017
Since Inception
Shareholder‐ Type Fees
Name/Type of Option
As a %
Per $1,000
1 year
5 year
10 year
Aggressive Growth ATDynamic Aggressive Growth Benchmark: Aggressive Growth
14.28% 10.72%
Growth ATDynamic Growth Benchmark: Growth
11.95% 9.21%
Moderate Growth ATDynamic Moderate Growth Benchmark: Moderate Growth Conservative Growth ATDynamic Conservative Growth Benchmark: Conservative Growth Conservative ATDynamic Conservative Benchmark: Conservative Benchmarks Benchmark: S&P 500 TR USD Benchmark: MSCI EAFE NR USD
8.78% 7.30%
5.70% 5.30%
2.50% 3.45%
16.04% 14.78% 17.77% 9.06% ‐0.03% 1.67%
7.74% 1.46% 3.82%
‐ ‐ ‐
Benchmark: BBgBarc US Govt/Credit Interm TR USD
For additional information please see the Investment Disclosure section
No Bank Guarantee ‐ Not FDIC insured ‐ May lose value
Part II. Administrative Expenses (Effective October 1, 2017) Plan‐level Expenses
All retirement plans have certain costs associated with the administration of the plan. This may include such items as recordkeeping participant accounts, compliance/legal aspects, as well as trustee and managing of plan assets. These fees are not reflected in the Total Annual Operating Expense of the designated investment alternatives listed above and may be charged directly to the account of the plan participants. The expenses listed below relate to the administration of your plan and may be charged against the assets of the plan. Any fee charged to the plan will be allocated on a pro rata basis (as a percentage of assets). For example, if your plan incurs a $5,000 fee and the plan in total has $1,000,000 in assets, the fee will be 0.5% (5,000/1,000,000). If you have an account balance of $20,000, your share of the fee will be $100 (20,000 x 0.5%). In certain situations, your plan sponsor may pay a portion of these fees. Any fee charged directly to your account will be reflected on your quarterly participant statement. Applied to Plan Asset Fee: covers the cost of Trustee, Investment Management, and Account Management services to your plan. American Trust Base Fee 0.0010% Charged to your account American Trust Asset Schedule Fee 0.0134% Charged to your account Direct Service Partner Asset Fee 0.0000% Charged to your account Recordkeeping Fee: covers the cost of maintaining the participant records, processing contribution payrolls, producing plan level reports, participant statements, etc. Per Participant Fee $0.67 Charged to your account Compliance Fee: covers the cost of compliance related services such as preparation and maintenance of the plan’s document and Summary Plan Description (SPD), preparing the plan’s annual tax filing form and ensuring the plan maintains overall compliance with IRS and DOL rules. Compliance Fee 0.0010% Charged to your account 3(16) Administration Service Fee: covers the cost of Plan Administrative duties as defined under ERISA Section 3(16) and may include Distribution Oversight (reviewing and approving distributions based on the provisions of the plan document, IRS/DOL rules and established procedures) or Reporting and Disclosures (signing and filing the plan’s annual Form 5500). Distribution Oversight Fee N/A N/A Reporting and Disclosures Fee N/A N/A Calculating your fees: to calculate the estimated fees charged to your account monthly follow the calculation below Active Employees Multiply 0.000154 by your monthly account balance and add $0.67 Plan Level Expense Estimated Monthly Rate
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