Submitting Marketing Requests
Introduction Using the Marketing Request From
Submitting Marketing Requests
Submitting a Marketing Request Form A Marketing Request Form is required for any new marketing request. Your request is captured by our workflow managment and compliance recordkeeping system. It is processed by the marketing administrator who assigns it to one or more marketing teammembers based on their expertise. You request also becomes available to compliance, who is alerted to the request, timeline, and potential for CRA credit. Upon assignment, you will receive a response that your request is activated. Someone on the marketing team will reach out to you if they need any further info to fulfill the request. Standard production time is 10 days, compliance approval takes 3-5 days. Where can I find the Marketing Request Form? 1. Login to OneStop . 2. Click on the Marketing tab 3. Choose Marketing Request Form from the list
Marketing Request Form Overview:
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Submitting Marketing Requests
How to Submit a Request Create / Manage
What if your name doesn't appear in the "Submitted By" field? If you are new to using the Marketing Request Form, you can add yourself as a new user by clicking the + Icon next to the "Submitted by" field as shown below. New User (cont.) In the window that appears, enter your Email, First Name, Last Name and Job Title. When complete, click .
Marketing Request Form Overview:
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How to Submit a Request Create / Manage
Submitting Marketing Requests
Using the Marketing Request form
Tell us about your marketing needs, providing as much information as possible and inlcude any supporting documents. Required fields are denoted with an asterisk. If you have any questions about how to complete each field, click the help tool for guidance. • Submitted By • Request Title • Date Needed By • Description • Regions • Branches • Desired Outcome • Estimated Cost • Acknowledgement of timeframe for processing and compliance approval. When your Marketing Request is submitted, you will receive an emailed summary of your Marketing Request and will see a confirmation message in your browser. The 10 business day count down begins on marketing requests after they are approved by the Marketing Administrator. It is good practice to review Kadince daily and approve/assign within one business day of receiving. Work can begin on new projects at anytime. Progress of all projects will be discussed during Monday's production call.
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Submitting Marketing Requests
How to Submit a Request Create / Manage
For Best Results Do not send new requests to the "All Marketing" email address or reach out to specific members of the marketing team for a new request. Doing so creates confusion as to which of our professionals should process it and creates risk that no one may do so. Do send general questions to "All Marketing" email address. Feel free to reach out to Marketing teammembers who are assigned to your request with additional information or follow-up conversations. Do send you local social media content to "All Marketing". Submitting a Donation Request Form A donation Request Form is submitted in a similar fashion as a marketing request, simply choose the "Donation Request" link on OneStop. Use this form for ALL donations. D Request for payment is automatically included in the donation request workflow and will be forwarded to Accounts Payable. A link for a recorded training session is available near the Donations Request Form under Marketing on OneStop. As stated in OneStop, donations less than $250 that are not CRA qualified can be paid with a Teller Check at your office. Donations of $250 or more and/or for CRA credit must be paid by accounts payable. If advertising or logos are needed to support the donation, complete a Marketing Request Form and marketing will supply them as directed. For additional information, contact Deb Bakken, Marketing Administrative Officer.
Donation Request Form Overview:
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Revised 06-2020
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