Stark Bank Group Enrollment Booklet
ATArchitect ® is a reallocation tool used to assist in changing the allocation of a participant’s account. The ATArchitect can adjust the account allocation between one of the five ATDynamic Allocation funds based on personal characteristics, ATBlueprint® calculations, and current market conditions. The account is reviewed each week and, if necessary, the ATArchitect will automatically reallocate the investments to the most appropriate fund. The ATArchitect is an optional service and charges for this service may apply (please refer to your annual fee disclosure or contact us for more information). American Trust, through the operation of its proprietary ATArchitect service, may change investment elections and transfer the balance between funds at any time. The entire account balance and future investment elections are subject to the strategies of the ATArchitect service. The ATArchitect program relies partly on the ATBlueprint®, which does not consider any unique personal characteristics or financial information, unless this information is provided to American Trust. Note: the ATBlueprint® component of ATArchitect will not apply to new enrollees until sufficient data is available or to terminated participants. Actions by the ATArchitect program rely on the accuracy of the information provided to American Trust. Inaccurate information could materially impact quality of investment returns and/or delay investment election changes. Neither American Trust nor ATArchitect will protect from the loss of principal in this account. This account is not FDIC insured. Neither American Trust nor ATArchitect can guarantee that client needs will be met at retirement. Termination of this service does not reverse actions taken in the past by ATArchitect. Changes in future investment elections and transfers of existing balances on the participant website will not terminate this service as assets could be allocated back to the ATArchitect fund upon its next reallocation review. To terminate ATArchitect, it must be done in writing to: American Trust at 895 Main Street, Dubuque, IA 52001. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Any investment contains risk including the risk of total loss. There is no guarantee that an investment with the strategy will meet its investment objectives and the results may not be representative of any one client’s experience. The results reflect an average of all, or a sample of all, the experiences of the ATArchitect accounts. Fees and expenses are only one of several factors that should be considered when making investment decisions. The cumulative effect of fees and expenses can substantially reduce the growth of the account. For an example demonstrating of the long term effect of fees and expenses visit the Employee Benefit Security Administration’s Web site. AT Architect composite returns are gross of plan related fees (non-investment related), but net of investment related expense and any applicable ATArchitect fees of .15%. ATArchitect composite returns represents all participants who elected to utilize the ATArchitect. Composite returns are calculated by averaging month end participant returns, not including those months when a participant has entered or left the ATArchitect. The month end participant returns are placed into the appropriate age composite based on a participant’s age as of month end. Participant returns capture movement between funds during the month but are clas- sified into the accounts ending portfolio composite as of month end. For reasons including variances in portfolio account holdings, variances in the investment management fee incurred, market fluctuation, the date on which a client engaged ATArchitect investment management services, and account contributions or withdrawals, the performance of a specific client’s account may have varied substantially from the indicated portfolio performance results. Relative Age comparisons are for comparative purposes only and the corresponding ATArchitect composite returns may not contain the same investments during the same time periods. Relative Age comparison is a composite created with the average of all ATArchitect participants assumed Age returns for the period based on the QDIA(Qualified Default Investment Alternative) recommended fund as of the participants month end age. Composite returns are calculated by averaging month end Age returns, not including those months when a participant has entered or left the ATArchitect. The month end Age returns are placed into the appropriate relative age comparison composite based on a participant’s age as of month end. Age based returns capture the movement between funds during the month but are classified into the accounts assumed ending aged based composite as of month end. Assumed QDIA Funds for age ranges: Relative Age comparison returns are gross of plan related fees (non-investment related) but net of investment related expenses.
Less than 30 years – ATDynamic Aggressive Growth 30 to 39 years – ATDynamic Growth 40 to 49 years – ATDynamic Moderate Growth 50 to 59 years – ATDynamic Conservative Growth More than 60 years – ATDynamic Conservative
Success Rate measurement is a measurement created by American Trust to measure the total number of ATArchitect subscribers whose return was better than or equal to their Relative Age comparison, divided by the total number ATArchitect subscribers for the period. The comparison is made for each subscriber for each monthly return and totaled for periods greater than one month. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that future performance will be profitable, or equal either the performance results shown. This should not be construed as personalized invest- ment advice and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any security or engage in a particular investment strategy. All material presented is compiled from sources believed to be reliable and current, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Before signing up for ATArchitect, one should understand how each personal characteristics, ATBlueprint®, and market conditions can affect the reallocation of your account. Please remember to contact American Trust if there are any changes in your investment objectives. For more information, please contact your American Trust representative at 800.548.2994.
No bank guarantee - Not FDIC insured - May lose value.
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