Stark Bank Group Enrollment Booklet
ATTrend Series Tac�cal Alloca�on
As of 3/31/2018
Past performance may not be indica�ve of future results. Investors have the opportunity for losses as well as profits. Current performance may be higher or lower than performance quoted. Before inves�ng the prospectus or other applicable descrip�ve document should be reviewed carefully. The Common Investment Trust (CIT) is not a mutual fund. The CIT is a security which has not been registered under the Securi�es Act of 1933 and is exempt from investment company registra�on under the Investment Act of 1940. The historical index performance results are provided exclusively for comparison purposes only. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. It should not be assumed that any account holdings will correspond directly to any compara�ve index reflected herein. Benchmark Breakdowns are as follows: Tac�cal Benchmark weights: 20% S&P 500, 20% MSCI EAFE, 25% Barclays Agg, 10% S&P Developed Property, 10% Bloomberg Commodity, MSCI Emerging Markets, 5% US Treas 30‐Day T‐Bill. Income Benchmark weights: 10% S&P 500, 10% MSCI EAFE, 25% Barclays Agg, 10% S&P Developed Property, 10% JPM EMBI Global, 10% Barclays US Copr HY, 10% BofAML Pfd Stk Fixed Rate, 10% Credit Suisse Leveraged Loan, 5% US Treas 30‐Day T‐Bill. Fees and expenses are only one of several factors that should be considered when making investment decisions. The cumula�ve effect of fees and expenses can substan�ally reduce the growth of the account. For an example demonstra�ng of the long‐term effect of fees and expenses visit the Employee Benefit Security Administra�on’s Web site. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. The investment return and principal value of investment securi�es will fluctuate based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, the type of investment, amount and �ming of investments, changing market condi�ons, currency exchange differences, stability of financial and other markets, and diversifica�on. No assurance can be given that capital market assump�ons will prove to be correct, and the difference between assump�ons and actual condi�ons could vary materially. When comparing the performance of different managers, bear in mind that there may be differences in the investment styles of managers even though they may be grouped in the same assets category. The choice of any money manager should not be based on performance alone. Also, the composi�on and variability of the indexes and composi�on and variability of any managed account are materially different. Diversifica�on does not assure a profit or protect against a loss in declining markets. Investors should consider the fund’s investment objec�ves, risks, charges and expenses before inves�ng. The fund prospectus and/or fund summary prospectus contains this and other important informa�on about the investment op�ons available through your plan. You should read the fund prospectus and/or fund summary prospectus carefully before inves�ng. Please call 563‐582‐1841 to get a free copy. The Expense Ra�o is the percentage of fund assets paid for opera�ng expenses and management fees. The expense ra�o typically includes the following types of fees: accoun�ng, administrator, advisor, auditor, board of directors, custodial, distribu�on (12b‐1), legal, organiza�onal, professional, registra�on, shareholder repor�ng, sub‐advisor and transfer agency. The expense ra�o does not reflect the fund's brokerage cost or any investor sales charges. In contrast to the gross expense ra�o, the net expense ra�o does reflect fee waivers in effect during the �me period. The CIT expense ra�o can include the weighted expense of the underlying funds, if applicable. The Morningstar informa�on contained herein (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or redistributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or �mely. Other data provided is based upon informa�on received from third par�es, which is believed to be accurate, but no representa�on is made that the informa�on provided is accurate and complete. All data is subject to change.
For more informa�on, please contact your American Trust & Savings Bank representa�ve, 563‐582‐1841.
No Bank Guarantee Not FDIC insured May lose value
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