Stark Bank Group Enrollment Booklet
ATDynamic Alloca�on Funds
As of 3/31/2018
ATDynamic Aggressive Growth
Investment Philosophy
Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es
32.0 16.0 10.0 20.5
We believe that a successful process, applied consistently, is the key to investment success. Each of our ATDynamic Alloca�on Funds is built with the same basic framework and core principles: a coresatellite approach, globally diversified across mul�ple asset classes, ac�vely managed, all at a low cost. Adhering to these core tenets allows us to build efficient por�olios that remain consistent across any risk profile.
Emerging Market Equi�es IntermediateTerm Bond
5.5 0.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 6.0
Cash Equivalents High Yield Bond
Emerging Markets Debt
Global Real Estate
About the Funds
We have created a suite of globally diversified por�olios, built with varying levels of risk, all wrapped up in a fund format for easy selec�on. Simply select from 5 different ATDynamic Alloca�on funds and let American Trust do the rest. The funds use a coresatellite approach where nontradi�onal asset classes (satellites) are combined with a tradi�onal por�olio (Core) to improve overall diversifica�on and por�olio efficiency. We combine up to 14 different asset classes, in amounts consistent with each funds risk profile, to build a baseline alloca�on for each fund. The subadvisor, ATCapital Management, then ac�vely manages the mix of each fund–overweigh�ng asset classes that appear a�rac�ve and underweigh�ng those that do not–all within specific guidelines set for each ATDynamic Alloca�on Fund.
ATDynamic Growth
Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es 4.5 IntermediateTerm Bond 14.0 Cash Equivalents 2.5 High Yield Bond 2.0 Emerging Markets Debt 2.3 Commodi�es 1.0 Global Real Estate 1.3 Alterna�ves 6.0 Total 100.0 28.0 13.0 8.0 17.5 Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es 3.5 IntermediateTerm Bond 33.0 Cash Equivalents 4.0 High Yield Bond 1.5 Emerging Markets Debt 1.5 Commodi�es 0.0 Global Real Estate 1.0 Alterna�ves 6.0 Total 100.0 21.0 10.0 6.0 12.5 Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es 2.5 IntermediateTerm Bond 51.0 Cash Equivalents 6.0 High Yield Bond 1.0 Emerging Markets Debt 1.0 Commodi�es 0.0 Global Real Estate 0.5 Alterna�ves 6.0 Total 100.0 13.0 6.5 4.0 8.5 % %
ATDynamic Moderate Growth
About the Subadvisor
Founded in 2006, ATCapital Management is an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. It is a specialized investment subsidiary that provides a suite of investment strategies that include tradi�onal equity, fixed income, and balanced por�olios, as well as a series of dynamic riskbased, mul�asset class investment solu�ons. ATCapital Management is a whollyowned subsidiary of ATBancorp and is an affiliate of American Trust.
ATDynamic Conserva�ve Growth
Por�olio Returns
Wgtd Exp Ra�o
1 Mo Qtr YTD 1 Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 10 Yrs Incep*
ATDynamic Conserva�ve
— — —
Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es IntermediateTerm Bond
7.0 4.5 0.0 5.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 6.0
ATDynamic Aggressive Growth
0.53 0.63 0.62 0.62 12.19
— — —
ATDynamic Growth
0.53 0.54 0.67 0.67 10.25
— — —
ATDynamic Moderate Growth
0.52 0.35 0.72 0.72 7.64
— — —
ATDynamic Conserva�ve Growth
0.52 0.10 0.65 0.65 5.14
Cash Equivalents High Yield Bond
— — —
ATDynamic Conserva�ve
0.51 0.08 0.81 0.81 2.45
Emerging Markets Debt
Global Real Estate
*Incep�on Date: January 1, 2016
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