Sept_Oct 2022
Hello from Connie
Hi Everyone, Hope you are having a great summer. We have been very busy here at the bank. Did you know that we have two new banks merging into our MidWest One family and they have Bank Clubs offering events and tours similar to ours? It is very exciting
for me and for Connections Club. I’m so happy to be working together to collectively bring you the best we have to offer. We will be looking for new events and tours to share throughout our MidWest One footprint. We plan it take it slow and be very thoughtful along the way. I expect that you will be pleased as we have much experi- ence to draw from. So blessed to have support from our bank. Speaking of blessings, I can’t help but take a couple of minutes to attempt to put into words how much the opportunity to work with you means to me. As your Club Director, I realize that you put much trust in me and my ability to facilitate a group ex- perience for my members and guests. It is a responsibility I do not take lightly. Much planning and care goes into every detail and your support means so very much. You are and will always be my number one priority. Keep looking for things that interest you and send me an email or give me a call from time to time to share your thoughts. I hope you are adjusting to our new method of delivering our Connections Club information. We are using email to share our newsletter and bi-monthly Journal edition, we also have our Connections Club Journal and more club information at under Tools and Resources, as well as a supply of printed copies of the Journal in our branch locations. Change can be difficult, so I want to thank you for working through it with me. Remember that you can print the Journal off of our web- site if that works better for you. Have a great day!
Smile Often,
PS “I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life” Louise Hay
Connections Club 3
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