Sept_Oct 2022
Connections Club
Sept./Oct. 2022 Edition
Danube Explorer September 21-October 1, 2023
Connections Club 1
Calendar and Contents
Calendar 2022
Sept 16 The Box Tops/Five Flags Theater (p.6) Sept 20 Fraud Seminar (p.5) Sept 23 Country Roads Fall Fun Day (p.12) Oct 4 Matt Vee’s Music of Neil Diamond/ UD Heritage Center (p.7) Oct 15 WildWomen of Winedale /Bell Tower (p.7) Oct 19-Nov 2 Greek Isles, Malta & Italy Oct 22 TonyDanza/UDHeritageCenter (p.8) Oct 26 Clue The Musical/Circa 21 (p.13) Nov 5 Piano Fondue/UD Heritage Center (p.8) Nov 10 White Christmas /Fireside T(p.14) Nov 17 Mannheim Steamroller/Five Flags Center (p.9) Nov 18-22 Holiday Time in New York City Nov 19 The Lion King /Cadillac Palace Theatre (p.15) Nov 20 Clint Black/Five Flags Center (p.9) Nov 27 Best Christmas Pageant Ever / Grand Opera House (p.10) Dec 1 Mistletones Snowbiz/Hotel Julien (p.22) Dec 2 Christmas/UD Heritage Center (p.10) Dec 6 A Christmas Carol /UD Heritage Center (p.11) Dec 10 Texas Tenors/UD Heritage Center (p.11) Calendar 2023 Feb 5-14 Hawaii (p.16-17) April 23-27 New Orleans (p.18-19) Sept 21-Oct 1 Danube Explorer (p.20-21)
Notes from Connie
p.3 p.4 p.5
Bulletin Board
Upcoming Seminars
Local Events
p.6-11 p.12-15 p.16-17 p.18-19 p.20-21
One-Day Ventures
New Orleans
Danube Explorer
Holiday Event
p.22 p.23
Missing Word Contest
2 Connections Club
Hello from Connie
Hi Everyone, Hope you are having a great summer. We have been very busy here at the bank. Did you know that we have two new banks merging into our MidWest One family and they have Bank Clubs offering events and tours similar to ours? It is very exciting
for me and for Connections Club. I’m so happy to be working together to collectively bring you the best we have to offer. We will be looking for new events and tours to share throughout our MidWest One footprint. We plan it take it slow and be very thoughtful along the way. I expect that you will be pleased as we have much experi- ence to draw from. So blessed to have support from our bank. Speaking of blessings, I can’t help but take a couple of minutes to attempt to put into words how much the opportunity to work with you means to me. As your Club Director, I realize that you put much trust in me and my ability to facilitate a group ex- perience for my members and guests. It is a responsibility I do not take lightly. Much planning and care goes into every detail and your support means so very much. You are and will always be my number one priority. Keep looking for things that interest you and send me an email or give me a call from time to time to share your thoughts. I hope you are adjusting to our new method of delivering our Connections Club information. We are using email to share our newsletter and bi-monthly Journal edition, we also have our Connections Club Journal and more club information at under Tools and Resources, as well as a supply of printed copies of the Journal in our branch locations. Change can be difficult, so I want to thank you for working through it with me. Remember that you can print the Journal off of our web- site if that works better for you. Have a great day!
Smile Often,
PS “I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life” Louise Hay
Connections Club 3
Bulletin Board
To become a Connections Club member: Reach age 40 or better and maintain qualifying account balances. Stop by any branch to request membership information. To be eligible you can choose options 1, 2, or 3: 1. Maintain at least $10,000 in one of the following MidWest One Bank accounts: checking, savings, or money market account. 2. Maintain at least $50,000 in any combination of the following MidWest One accounts: checking, savings, certificates of deposit, money market account, IRA, personal trust services, or brokerage services. 3. Qualify with an initial balance of $50,000 on either a consumer or mortgage loan. (Loans can’t be combined, a joint account relationship held by a married couple qualifies both. No membership fees are involved. Personal accounts only.) Bring a Guest: Members are encouraged to invite friends and you may register one guest for each Club event. A couple may invite two individuals. As space becomes available, eachmember may invite more than one guest. For reservations call: Cancellation Policy: If a cancellation is necessary, every effort will be made to provide either a partial or full refund. However, we cannot provide a guarantee of a full refund. Please be advised that there will be circumstances when refunds will not be possible due to ticket purchases, meal number guarantees, etc. If a tour is cancelled due to insufficient reservation numbers, you will be issued a full refund. On tours where an outside agent is used, we will adhere to the written cancellation policy of the agent. Stand-By List: We always appreciate your willingness to be on the stand-by list for trips that are filled. Please call and add your name to any that interest you. You may get a call to join us. Points for Travel Program: Each time you travel with us, earn valuable points to redeem as cash discounts for future travel! Every travel day earns you 75 points. For every 300 points you accumulate, you earn a $10 credit toward a future trip. Connie Francis: 563.589.0804 Sheila Tegeler: 563.875.2491 Lori Marshall: 608.723.5678 Kristie Heims: 563.744.3380
Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender
4 Connections Club
Upcoming Seminars
New Date!
Don’t Let It Be You! Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 10:00 a.m., 12th floor MidWest One Bank, 895 Main St., Dubuque, IA
Unfortunately, fraud happens every day, that’s why we’re excited to offer this opportunity for you to learn how to protect yourself. Receive tips to proactively stay safe, and avoid the frustration and possible financial loss from fraudelent activity. Justine Bemis, 2nd Vice President-AML Fraud Services, has been with MidWest One Bank for 24 years. Justine is responsible for developing and implement[in]g all processes and policies designed to safeguard the Bank and its customers from fraud. She also works to mitigate loss and risk after fraud occurs. Call 589.0804 to register. Seating is limited.
Connections Club 5
Local Events
The Box Tops Friday, September 16, 7:00 p.m. Five Flags Theater
From the mid ‘60s into the ‘70s, there was no finer blue-eyed soul group than The Box Tops from Memphis, Tennessee. Formed in 1967, The Box Tops recorded a string of hits including the worldwide number one “The Letter” plus six additional Top 40 tracks, including; “Cry Like a Baby,” “Soul Deep,” “Neon Rainbow,” “Choo Choo Train,” and “Sweet Cream Ladies—Forward March.” In 2015, original bassist/vocalist Bill Cunningham and original guitarist/vocal- ist Gary Talley teamed up with veteran music industry bandleader/manager Rick Levy to bring The Box Tops back to waiting audiences. In short order, they have performed to thousands of fans all over the USA. The Box Tops show highlights their hit records, and equally important, Memphis music of the 1960s, especially some of the songs that influenced the members as young teens growing up in a musical hotbed. The show is complete with horns, and promises musical history that is hip! The Dubuque area rockers Missbehavin will appear as a special opening act. Your Connections Club price is just $34.25 per person, due at reservation. Our seats are located center floor in rows F and G.
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Matt Vee’s Music of Neil Diamond Tuesday, October 4, 7:30 p.m. UD Heritage Center 2255 Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA
Matt along with cousins Jeff and Tommy Vee, sons of the legendary Bobby Vee, join forces with their family and friends as The Killer Vees to celebrate the music from Neil Diamond’s timeless catalog. Songs like “Cracklin’ Rosie,” “Song [Sun]g Blue,” and “Sweet Caroline,” helped Neil Diamond sell over 100 million records worldwide. He made music that became the soundtrack to one generation after another with hits spanning five decades. “This is not a tribute show, says Tommy Vee, this is a celebration of an amazing musical
icon we all love!” UD Choir and Julien Chamber Choir join as special guests. Your Connections Club price is just $39 per person, due at reservation.
The Wild Woman of Winedale Saturday, October 15, 7:30 p.m. Bell Tower Theater 2728 Asbury Road, Dubuque, IA
The Wild sisters are at a crossroads. Fanny is turning 60. Willa’s stress has driven her to vodka and speed-knitting. Johnnie Faye is determined to put herself back on the market and land a new man. (Preferably one with a house since hers is at the bottom of a Florida sinkhole). Together, they find a way to clear the clutter from their lives, homes, and relationships, and prove it’s never too late to take another one of life’s paths. Your Connections Club price is just $11.50 per person, due at reservation.
Connections Club 7
Local Events
Tony Danza: Standards & Stories Special homecoming event Saturday, October 22, 8:00 p.m. UD Heritage Center 2255 Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA
“Homecoming” doesn’t seem to suffice for an event like this one. Celebrating his 50th class reunion at the University of Dubuque, Tony Danza makes his remarkable return! The New York Times raves, “Tony’s a live wire who tap-dances, plays the ukulele, tells stories and radiates irresistible charm. He exudes the kind of charisma that can’t be taught!” Well, at UD, we like to think that he learned it somewhere! He and his four-piece band com- bine timeless music with wit, charm, storytelling, and a dash of soft shoe and ukulele per- formances. Danza performs a selection of his favorite standards from the Great American Songbook while interweaving stories about his life and personal connection to the music. Your Connections Club price is just $47 per person, due at reservation.
Piano Fondue: Dueling Pianos Saturday, November 5, 8:00 p. m. UD Heritage Center 2255 Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA
Piano Fondue presents a fully-interactive, high-energy, sing-along show! Two enter- tainers take their places behind two baby grand pianos on stage, and the audience controls the set list on their smartphones. Audience members can visit Piano Fondue’s request web- site, view the set list, and manipulate it in real-time. They can add songs to the list or move songs around. The whole show is crowdsourced. Your Connections Club price is just $25 per person, due at reservation. This performance is general admission seating.
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Mannheim Steamroller Thursday, November 17, 7:30 p.m. Five Flags Center 405 Main St, Dubuque, IA
The Ultimate Holiday Tradition…Returning to Five Flags Center on November 17! Mannheim Steamroller Christmas by Chip Davis has been America’s favorite holiday tradi- tion for over 35 years! Grammy Award winner Chip Davis has created a show that features Mannheim Steamroller Christmas classics in the distinctive Mannheim sound. The program celebrates the group’s recent anniversary of 35 years since the first Christmas album and in- cludes dazzling multimedia effects performed in an intimate setting. Experience the magic as the spirit of the season comes alive with the signature sound of Mannheim Steamroller. Your Connections Club price is just $55 per person, due at reservation. Our seats are located in section 5, rows D, E, F.
Clint Black Mostly Hits & The Mrs. Tour Sunday, November 20, 7:30 p.m. Five Flags Center 405 Main St, Dubuque, IA
Country music legend Clint Black brings his “Mostly the Hits…and the Mrs.” tour to Five Flags Center on Sunday, November 20! Clint and his wife, Lisa Hartman Black, team up for this spectacular show highlighting all of the best songs from his 30+ year music career, which has included nearly two dozen #1 hits and more than 20 million records sold. Plus, their daughter, Lily Pearl Black, joins in as well! Your Connections Club price is just $55 per person, due at reservation. Our seats are located in section 5, rows K, L, M.
Connections Club 9
Local Events
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Sunday, November 27, 2:00 p.m. Grand Opera House 158 W. 8th Street, Dubuque, IA
Adapted from the best-selling young adult book by Barbara Robinson, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is sure to put you in the holiday spirit. In this hilarious Christmas classic, a couple struggling to put on a church Christmas pageant is faced with casting the Herdman kids–probably the most inventively awful kids in history. You won’t believe the mayhem—and the fun—when the Herdmans collide with the Christmas story head on! Your Connection Club price is just $16 per person, due at registration.
Christmas at the Heritage Center Friday, December 2, 7:30 p.m. UD Heritage Center 2255 Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA
This UD tradition returns to bring spiritual meaning to your Christmas season. UD’s Department of Fine and Performing Arts celebrates the birth of Christ through a concert presentation featuring the John and Alice Butler Pipe Organ, UD choirs, and UD Concert Band with live narration. Complimentary holiday refreshments and live music fromUD’s Jazz Band will immediately follow the concert. Your Connections Club price is just $15 per person, due at registration.
10 Connections Club
A Christmas Carol Tuesday, December 6, 7:30 p.m. UD Heritage Center 2255 Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA
This celebrated Charles Jones adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is rich with thrilling ensemble music, alive with color and movement, and created to tell this great and enduring tale in a manner that people of all ages will enjoy! Woven throughout are beautiful new arrangements and moving renditions of holiday songs such as “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” “Wassail,” “Good Christian Men Rejoice,” “Away in a Manger,” “Greens- leeves,” “The Boar’s Head Carol,” and many more. A cast of 24 performers, live musicians, and Broadway-style scenery and costumes revitalize this sumptuous holiday classic. Your Connections Club price is just $44 per person, due at reservation.
The Texas Tenors Deep in the Heart of Christmas Saturday, December 10, 7:30 p.m. UD Heritage Center 2255 Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA
The Texas Tenors have amassed a huge fan base worldwide with over half a million followers and more than 20 million views on social media. They’re Billboard Magazine’s #10 Classical Artist in theWorld for 2019 . With impressive live ticket sales tracked by PollStar , they’re considered the most successful touring group in the history of America’s Got Talent . They appeared on the most recent season of NBC’s national hit television show America’s Got Talent: The Champions. As consummate professionals these three friends with a simple all-American dreamhave proven their impact will be long lasting as their popularity continues to grow. Your Connections Club price is just $55.00 per person, due at reservation.
Connections Club 11
One-Day Ventures
Country Roads Fall Fun Day Friday, September 23, 2022
Come out and enjoy an autumn day with friends, some two-legged and some of the four-legged variety. Our first stop is GalPaca Farm, home to 25 alpacas, plenty of honeybees and a great pyrenees guardian dog who keeps a watchful eye on all. GalPaca Farm is proud to offer some of the finest alpaca products as well as numerous honeybee by-products. They sell yarn, roving and handmade items from their own animals and other quality products made by them, on the farm, including soaps, lotion bars, beeswax candles and more. They pride themselves as “made in the USA”. The Wisconsin country roads will take us to our next stop, Munchkey Apples. We can taste a few varieties fresh off the trees. They are also known for great beef and honey products. Cider tasting and a great lunch will be provided at Brix Cider House located in beautiful downtown Mount Horeb. What would a “Country Roads” tour be without a stop at the Duluth Trading Flagship Store where they showcase innovative and problem-solv- ing workwear, ingenious tools, gadgets, organizers, apothecary, and useful specialty gear you need to get the job done. We have a little “surprise” stop next… will have to join us to find out. Hold on to your lederhosen, we found Oktoberfest in September. Little Switzer- land in our own backyard! The New Glarus, WI Oktoberfest is kicking off. Let’s go check out what they have going on. Your Connections Club is just $95 per person and includes motorcoach trans- portation, driver’s gratuity, lunch, and all attractions listed. Full payment is due at reservation, fully refundable until August 19, 2022.
12 Connections Club
Clue The Musical Wednesday, October 26 Circa ‘21, Rock Island, IL
The internationally popular game is now a fun-filled musical that brings the world’s best-known suspects to life and invites the audience to help solve the mystery: who killed Mr. Boddy, in what room, and with what weapon. The audience receives forms to help them deduce the solution from clues given throughout the fun-filled evening. Three audience mem- bers choose from cards representing the potential murderers, weapons, and rooms; there are 216 possible solutions! Only one hard-nosed female detective is qualified to unravel the merry mayhem. Comic antics, witty lyrics, and a beguiling score carry the investigation from room to room. Even after the culprit confesses, a surprise twist delights the audience. Your Connections Club price is just $93 per person and includes transportation from Dubuque, plated lunch with dessert, show, and driver’s gratuity. Full payment, refundable until September 23, is due at registration.
Connections Club 13
One-Day Ventures
White Christmas Thursday, November 10 Fireside Theatre, Fort Atkinson, WI
Based on the beloved film starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, and Rosemary Clooney, this heartwarming stage adaptation features 17 Irving Berlin songs. Army veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have a successful song-and-dance act following their service in World War II. With romance in mind, the two follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge, which just happens to be owned by Bob and Phil’s former army commander. With a series of romantic mix-ups and a dazzling score including “Blue Skies,” “I Love A Piano,” and the perennial title song, “White Christmas” is an uplifting musical any time of year but especially loved at Christmas. Your Connections Club price is just $115 per person and includes transportation from Dubuque, plated lunch, show, and driver’s gratuity. Full payment, refundable until October 5, is due at registration.
14 Connections Club
The Lion King Saturday, November 19, 2022 Broadway in Chicago-Cadillac Palace Theatre, Chicago, IL
Giraffes strut. Birds swoop. Gazelles leap. The entire Serengeti comes to life as never before. And as the music soars, Pride Rock slowly emerges from the mist. This is Disney’s The Lion King , making its triumphant return to Chicago! Join us as we travel by motor coach to Chicago to see a matinee performance of The Lion King . We secured great seats in the Dress Circle of this beautiful theater. We will arrive in Chicago late morning so you can grab a bite to eat (on your own) or do a little shopping. Then head to the theater for the 2:00 p.m. performance. We will travel home right after the show. More than 100 million people around the world have experienced the awe-inspir- ing visual artistry, the unforgettable music, and the uniquely theatrical storytelling of this Broadway spectacular—one of the most breathtaking and beloved productions ever to grace the stage. Winner of six Tony Awards®, including Best Musical, The Lion King brings together one of the most imaginative creative teams on Broadway. Tony Award®-winning director Julie Taymor brings to life a story filled with hope and adventure set against an amazing backdrop of stunning visuals. The Lion King also features the extraordinary work of Tony Award®-winning choreographer Garth Fagan and some of Broadway’s most recognizable music, crafted by Tony Award®-winning artists Elton John and Tim Rice. There is simply nothing else like The Lion King . Your Connections Club price is just $225 per person and includes motor coach transportation from Dubuque, driver’s gratuity and show ticket. Our seats are located in the “Dress Circle”. Full payment is due at registration.
Connections Club 15
Extended Travel
Hawaii February 5–14, 2023
Join us in beautiful Hawaii. This spectacular tour includes Ocean View rooms at all of the properties we stay, three nights on the lush, tropical island of Kauai where you will be visiting Waimea Canyon, doing a Wailua River Cruise and seeing Opaekaa Falls. An inside visit of Iolani Palace and a tram tour of the Maui Tropical Plantation are included plus all gratuities. Day 1: We’ll travel to the Chicago airport today to board our flight bound for beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii! Upon arrival we’ll check into the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa for three nights. Day 2: Ride through the exclusive Kahala Estates, then marvel at the beautiful views at the Diamond Head, Halona Blow Hole and Nu’uanu Pali Lookouts. See the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl Crater. The afternoon is free to enjoy. We’ll meet up for dinner at the Hula Grill. (B,D) Day 3: We’ll see the State Capitol and the King Kamehameha Statue. Tour the fab- ulous Iolani Palace, the royal residence of the rulers of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Visit the Pearl Harbor National Memorial then board a naval launch for a cruise to the USS Arizona Memorial where you can pay your respects to the 1,177 fallen soldiers. View the marble wall that displays the names of those who perished, as well as the “black tears,” which is the oil that is still seeping out of the ship. (B) Day 4: A five-minute walk this morning takes us to Duke’s for breakfast with a view. We’ll return to the hotel to check out before heading to the airport for our short flight to Kauai, also known as the Garden Isle. We’ll check into oceanfront Sheraton Kauai Coconut Beach Resort for three nights. Get settled in then meet for dinner at the hotel. (B,D) Day 5: We’re off for a fun day of sightseeing! The 3,600-foot-deep Waimea Canyon, known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. We’ll see Spouting Horn, in Kauai, where the ocean water sprays several stories high into the air. At Gaylord’s Restaurant, we’ll learn how to craft Hawaii’s famous drink, the Mai Tai, before we dine on fresh, island-influenced dishes. This afternoon, we’ll cruise on the Wailua River Cruise, the only navigable river in all of Hawaii. During our two-mile journey we’ll hear songs and stories of ancient Hawaii and learn how to hula. Take a short nature walk through the rainforest to see the lush Fern Grotto. We’ll return to the hotel where you have a free evening to relax. (B,L)
16 Connections Club
Day 6: We depart on a five-hour tour to experience Kauai’s many tropical landscapes and natural beauty. We’ll see the mighty Opaekaa Falls cascading down into a hidden pool. Admire the views from the Kilauea Lighthouse and Hanalei Pier. There will be free time in Hanalei for lunch and shopping. This afternoon enjoy the hotel’s beautiful pool and the beach. Tonight, a short walk brings us to the Hukilau Lanai where we’ll have a wonderful dinner. (B,D) Day 7: Relish a leisurely morning before we transfer to the airport for a quick flight to the beautiful island of Maui. On arrival, we’ll visit the Maui Tropical Plantation and sam- ple some delicious fruit while on the tour. We’ll check into the Royal Lahaina Resort. Set amidst 27 tropical acres, this oceanfront hotel sits along an exclusive half-mile stretch of Kaanapali Beach. Enjoy the Myths of Maui, a cultural celebration featuring the dances, music, and festivities of the Hawaiian and Polynesian people. (B,D) Day 8: Enjoy breakfast and then do as you wish on your free day in Maui! Take a trolley into Lahaina Town to Whaler’s Village for shopping, museum exploration and lunch or enjoy the day on the beach or by the pool at the resort. Perhaps you’d like to go on a Whale Watch cruise or a day-long Road to Hana tour (additional fees apply). (B) Day 9: Mid-morning, we’ll check out and depart for a day of Maui sightseeing. We’ll ride through Makawao, the biggest little town in Maui’s upcountry, famous for its Hawaiian cowboys, or paniolo. We’ll stop at the ʻIao Valley State Monument including the striking Iao Needle. We’ll make our way to the Maui airport for our overnight flight home. We’ll be taking with us very fond memories and the remarkable Spirit of Aloha! (B) Day 10: Arrive home. Per person price is $6,389, double occupancy, and $8,139, for single. A deposit of $100 is required to hold your reservation. Optional Travel Protection can be purchased at time of deposit for $460 per person, double occupancy and $586 for single occupancy. Both the deposit and travel protection are refundable until final payment due date of October 3, 2022.
Connections Club 17
Extended Travel
New Orleans April 23–27, 2023
Day 1: Travel together to Chicago O’Hare airport to board our flight. Step into a cul- tural melting pot in the “Jazz Capital of the World,” New Orleans! Experience this soulful city abound with rich history, mouth-watering Cajun and Creole cuisine, and of course, an incomparable soundtrack. Day 2: This morning, enjoy a panoramic city tour with a local guide. Start by seeing St. Louis Cemetery #3; opened in 1854, it holds some of the most elaborate crypts found in the city’s cemeteries. Relax during a drive along the shoreline of Lake Pontchartrain. This road eventually leads to St. Charles Avenue, whisking you past gorgeous mansions and two world-famous universities, Tulane and Loyola. This afternoon, it’s your choice! Take a walk through history at the National World War II Museum and learn about the American experience in the war or celebrate the festive side of New Orleans at Mardi Gras World. Come to know the history of this tradition while touring a working warehouse where artisans create spectacular floats for the famous parades. Take advantage of some free time to exploremore and use your included Uber voucher to return to the hotel. Tonight, learn how to cook New Orleans-style! During a cooking demonstration at the New Orleans School of Cooking. (B,D) Day 3: It’s your choice! Introduce yourself to the city’s famous French Quarter on a walking tour that features such sights as the majestic St. Louis Cathedral and the bustling French Marketplace, where you’ll explore Pirates Alley and view the Pontalba or explore the exhibitions and galleries at the Historic New Orleans Collection followed by a visit to the Bevolo Gaslight Museum and Workshop. Then, head to Café Du Monde for a taste of a true New Orleans favorite—beignets! This afternoon, explore more of New Orleans on your own, or you may choose an optional excursion to Oak Alley Plantation. (B) Day 4: Set out on a drive along New Orleans’ historic Esplanade Avenue. Then, journey through the Louisiana swamp on a cruise narrated by your captain. Learn about the eco- system’s history and ecology while keeping an eye out for wildlife, from bald eagles to herons, turtles and alligators. Return to the city and enjoy the rest of [the] day at leisure to discover more of New Orleans your way. You may opt to take a riverboat cruise on the mighty Mississippi. Tonight, immerse yourself in the flavors of traditional New Orleans during dinner at The Court of Two Sisters in the French Quarter. After dinner, discover for yourself why New Orleans is the “Birthplace of Jazz” during a roaring jazz revue at a local club in the French Quarter. (B,D) Next are highlights for two available optional tours:
18 Connections Club
Oak Alley Plantation Tour: $75 per person. Experience the bygone era of the Ante- bellum south as we travel to Oak Alley Plantation on the western bank of the Mississippi River. Stroll down the magnificent alley of 300-year-old live oak trees that give this estate its name. Enjoy a professionally guided tour of the mansion, or “Big House” as it’s called. Then take some time to explore other exhibits, including Slavery at Oak Alley and the Civil War Encampment . Duration: Approximately five and a half hours. Please note: A minimum of 20 passengers is required. Transportation is included. Mississippi Jazz Cruise and Crescent City Lunch: $95 per person. This afternoon, enjoy lunch dining on local favorites at a French Quarter restaurant. After lunch, board an authentic New Orleans steamboat for a relaxing cruise. Get taken back to when life was as slow and graceful as the current on the Mississippi and experience New Orleans as it can best be seen from the river. Its distinctive “crescent shape” gives the city one of its nicknames. Pass the French Quarter and the Port of New Orleans while enjoying live narration of the sights and history by the ship’s captain. As the paddlewheel boat makes its way back to its French Quarter mooring, listen to the enchanting sounds of a live jazz band. Duration: Approximately four hours. Please note: A minimum of ten passengers is required. Transportation is included. Day 5: Your tour of this captivating city comes to a close today. (B) Per person price is $2,299, double occupancy, $2,699, single occupancy, $2,269, triple occupancy. A deposit of $600 is required to hold your reservation. Deposits are refundable up until November 23, 2022. Final payment is due February 22, 2023. Optional Cancellation Waiver and Insurance is not included in this price but can be purchased at time of deposit for $199 per person. REAL ID Act standards for identifica- tion while traveling will be in effect.
Travel Preview: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 5:30 on 12th floor, 895 Main St., Dubuque. Call 589.0804 to register.
Connections Club 19
Extended Travel
Danube Explorer September 21- October 1, 2023
Experience the Danube River aboard a luxurious Emerald Waterways Star-Ship on a seven-night cruise through four countries. Day 1: Depart the USA on your overnight flight to Budapest, Hungary. Day 2: Welcome to the Pearl of the Danube. We will transfer from the airport to our luxurious Emerald Waterways Star-Ship . This evening, join your fellow guests for a folklore performance onboard and a traditional Hungarian dinner. After dinner, relax on the Sun Deck and enjoy the fabulous view of the city, aglow in nighttime splendor. (D) Day 3: Explore Budapest’s cobbled medieval quarter, as you embark on a coach tour through the UNESCO World Heritage city center. Our guide will highlight a number of architectural wonders and also talk about Budapest’s culinary scene. The tour will end at the Grand Market Hall, the city’s most expansive indoor food & craft market, where you’ll have time to explore on your own.(B,L,D) Day 4: This morning, relax onboard while sailing into the capital of Slovakia. This graceful nation became an independent country in 1993, and since then, Bratislava has flourished as a new capital and made a name for itself as a cultural center. The romantic cobblestone lanes that weave through the city are explored with your local guide, as you enjoy a walking tour of the ancient town center, seeing the Slovak National Theater and a range of Gothic and Art Nouveau buildings. (B,L,D) Day 5: Welcome to Vienna, Austria’s capital and the capital of classical music. The city perfectly encapsulates the opulence of the Habsburg Monarchy and their ornate Baroque palaces. On the included city tour, see monuments and buildings of grandeur as the coach drives along the famous Ringstrasse. During the walking tour, stroll with your guide through the city center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (B,L,D) Day 6: Effortlessly suspended in time, Dürnstein is a small, charming village nestled in the Wachau wine region. Enjoy free time to wander through the cobblestoned lanes of this enchanting village. Later this morning, sail through the UNESCO World Heritage Wachau Valley, passing medieval villages, terraced vineyards and areas of natural beauty. Upon arrival in Melk, enjoy a guided tour of Melk Abbey, originally a lavish castle that was gifted to Benedictine monks during the 11th century. (B,L,D) Day 7: Today’s adventure takes you to the UNESCO World Heritage town of Ceský Krumlov. With its 13th-century castle, meandering river, and maze of quaint alleyways, this town has one of the best-preserved centers in Europe. Join your local guide to traverse
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a labyrinth of winding cobblestone lanes as you experience the charming atmosphere of Ceský Krumlov’s medieval buildings and iconic castle complex. During the excursion, visit the 15th-century St. VItus’ Church, a highlight of the town. (B,D) Day 8: Narrow cobblestone streets welcome you to Passau, a town nestled on the confluence of three of Europe’s main waterways. Visit a local Bavarian farm and sample some local products to gain insight into the daily life of a farmer. Alternatively, venture out on a hike to see the sights of Mariahilf and St. Severin, an ancient church dating back to the Ottonian dynasty. (B,L,D) Day 9: After breakfast, say goodbye to your Captain and crew as you disembark your ship and depart by motorcoach for Prague, Czech Republic. Upon arrival, you’ll have free time for lunch on your own before the included city tour highlighting the famous sites of this beautiful city. Following a brief panoramic drive, the heart of the city is discovered on foot. See the Old Town Square with its historic astronomical clock, and the medieval Charles Bridge. The tour concludes at the hotel with the evening at leisure. (B) Day 10: Your final day is left free of planned activities for your independent explora- tion of Prague. Or, if you choose, join the morning optional excursion to Terezin Concen- tration Camp. (B) Day 11: Bid a fond farewell to Europe and return home with wonderful memories of life enriching experiences from your cruise along the Danube River. (B) Free airfare incentive available for a limited time offer. Per person price starting at $5,699. This pricing includes optional travel protection plan. A deposit of $969 is due at registration, $569 is non-refundable. Final balance is due June 16, 2023.
Travel Preview: Monday, September 26 , 2022 at 5:30 on 12th floor, 895 Main St., Dubuque. Call 589.0804 to register.
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Holiday Event
Mistletones Thursday, December 1, 12:00 p.m. Hotel Julien 200 Main Street, Dubuque, IA
The Mistletones® present SNOWBIZ®: A Mel Tormé Kind of Holiday presented dinner theatre style with matineé and evening performances at the historic Hotel Julien Dubuque, Thursday, December 1. Enjoy an outstanding array of music that brings to life the joy of the season with a nod to Mel Tormé’s undeniable holiday jazz influence. (Yes, The Christmas Song, which Tormé co-wrote, is part of the lineup.) Featuring some of the best-loved Christmas songs ever, SNOWBIZ® covers several musical genres. This show has something for everyone! With six outstanding vocalists backed by the equally talented Mistletones® band, Christmas comes alive with this collection of cherished holiday tunes. SNOWBIZ® is the merriest ticket to get you into the holiday spirit! Your $55 price includes special Connections Club VIP seating, the show, a full holiday lunch with dessert, and a complimentary drink (wine, soda, or tap beer). Check-in and cocktails are at noon, lunch is at 12:30 p.m., and the show is at 1:30 p.m.
22 Connections Club
Missing Word
Missing Word Contest: Our Missing Word Contest winner for July/August was Janice Lansing, who received a check for $25. The missing word was “Park” and the song title was “Saturday In The Park.” We have hidden another song title with a missing word in this issue. Read your Connections Club newsletter carefully, looking for any words enclosed in [brackets] like this. Rearrange the words to form the title or extended title of a popular song. One word will be missing. Figure out the missing word, and write the missing word only on the Missing Word Contest form found below. All correct entries received prior to the deadline indicated on the form are entered into the $25 drawing. Odds of winning are dependent upon number of entries. All entries received throughout the year are entered into a year- end drawing for a grand prize of $100! Good luck! Worth Thinking About: “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” ~ George Lorimer The missing word is: Mail to: Connie Francis, MidWest One Bank, Connections Club, 895 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001. Entries must be received before October 31, 2022. Must be 18 or older to enter. Rules: Must be 18 or older to enter. No purchase, payment, donation or account required to enter or win and need not be present. Offer voidwhere prohibited. Employees of MidWestOne Bank and their immediate family members are not eligible to win. Prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable and no substitutions are allowed. MidWestOne Bank assume no responsibility for damages, losses, or injury from acceptance. Odds of winning are dependent upon number of entries. Entries can be submitted through the website, email or mailed to: Connections Club, 895 Main Street, Dubuque IA 52001. Winners will be notified by US Mail within 30 business days of each drawing. Drawings will be held six times in a calendar year, as well as one grand prize drawing at year end. This offer is void where prohibited by law and subject to all federal, state, and local laws. Copies of the rules and regulations are available at any MidWestOne office, online at Entry Form Name Phone Address
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Connections Club is a rewards program for clients who maintain qualifying balances and who are ages 40 and better.
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