Nov_Dec 2021

Hello from Connie

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are well and savoring the ending of the year 2021. We are perfecting our ability to be agile as we again nav- igate the changing currents. We sure thought we could stay on course and slowly steer our “ship” into friendly waters, but we once again met with a rough patch. Please know how dedi- cated we are to providing you with opportunities to get out and live the beautiful life you deserve to live. We are being very careful and following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Not too long ago the only time I would hear the CDC mentioned would be in a movie, a thriller of sorts, one that kept you on the edge of your seat, thinking is this “science fiction” or could this be possible? In the year 2020 we lived out the horror. Hearing the CDC mentioned in everyday life has become common for us. I believe living with this virus and all the variants will also be a part of our everyday lives. Hopefully we can find a safe way of doing just that. Our history over the past year and a half is reminisce of living out the stages of grief. “Denial” started us off as we heard reports of these terribly dangerous new COVID 19 viruses. “Anger” followed when many friends became ill and our lives were put on hold with the closing of the world. “Bargaining” comes next. I certainly did my fair share of that. Moving forward we found “depression”. Why is this happening to us? Why can’t we gather with friends and family? Why do we have to cancel everything? “Acceptance” is the final stage. I’m not sure we are there yet. Our last Journal was a little late getting to you because we had to cancel a few day trips and an extended adventure. As sad as I am, I know things will get better! In closing please remember I’m here for you! I sincerely appreciate your friendship and your support of MidWestOne Bank and our Connections Club. I also appreciate your understanding of the recent changes we had to make. Please make sure we have your email address as the paper copy will no longer be mailed to you. We’ll have an extra supply of Journals at the branch offices to help make the transition go more smoothly.

Make Today Great!

Connections Club 3

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