May_June 2023

Calendar and Contents

Hello from Connie

May 4 Cards with Connie May 6 Neil Berg’s 103 Years of Broadway/ UD Heritage Center May 18 Travelers Trek (p.10) May 27 Dwight Yoakam/Five Flags (p.6) June 5-9 Kentucky (p.14) June 11 Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat /Grand Opera House (p.7) June 21 Godspell 10th Annual High School Musical/Bell Tower Theater (p.7) July 12 Celebration Belle (p.8) July 27-29 Missouri Medley (p.15) August 17 The Kids Left. The Dog Died. NOW WHAT? /Bell Tower Theater (p.8) August 24 Cookies and Trivia (p.22) August 29 Take Me Out To The Ballgame (p.13) Sept 7 USS LST 325 (p.5) Sept 15 Titanic /Fireside Theatre (p.11) Sept 16 The Magic of David Casas/Bell Tower Theatre (p.9) Sept 21-Oct 1 Danube Explorer Nov 6-10 Nashville/CMA’s (p.16-17) Nov 17 Scrooge the Musical /Fireside (p.12) Nov 17 Vienna Boys Choir/UD Heritage Center (p. 9) Nov 30 Historic Progressive Dinner Jan 6-13, 2024 West Indies Island Hopping (p.18-19) Feb 13-18, 2024 Scottsdale Stay & Play w/Sedona (p.20-21)

Hello Friends, April showers bring May flowers. This saying is from an old proverb meaning that even after long periods of adversity, good times will follow. Sometimes simply said, “This too shall pass.” I hear this saying and give it more of a literal meaning. It’s a good

way to see the positive side of a rainy spring. I love May flowers and I’ll take a little rain in order to get them. One of my favorite things about this time of year is watching everything come to life. The bulbs that sprout their fresh green tips from the earth. The shrubs that burst with blooms so fragrant you cannot step away. The trees bud and then the flowers come, so fresh and bright. They are like newborn babies. So pure and fragile, but resilient all at the same time. The miracle of life! Speaking of babies … this is a clever segway to share my news. I am a new Grandma. The most amazing little boy entered the world and changed my life on December 2. It was one of my travelers that said, “Grandchildren fill a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” Truer words have never been spoken. His name is Jackson. I’m a little partial, but I think he is the cutest little guy in the whole world. His smiles light up my life. He is very fluent in baby talk right now and I’m learning all sorts of new words. We are buying toys and strollers and all sorts of fun things. He is a [game] changer. I better get back on track. The weather is better and it’s so much fun to see new things. Let’s travel somewhere together. I bet many of you have been getting out and “coming to life.” The adventures you take can be so meaningful for you but also for others. The friends you take with you or the ones you meet along the way will fill your memories forever. I get so much satisfaction out of spending time together with all of you. I am truly grateful! Be Kind, Be Safe and Travel Often!


Notes from Connie

p.3 p.4 p.5

Bulletin Board USS LST 325 Local Events Travelers Trek

p.6-9 p.10

One Day Ventures In Our Own Backyard


p.13 p.14 p.15


Missouri Medley

Make a difference today!


p.16-17 p.18-19

West Indies Island Hopping

Scottsdale Stay & Play


Connie’s Corner

p.22 p.23

Missing Word Contest

2 Connections Club

Connections Club 3

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