May_June 2022
Upcoming Seminars
Bulletin Board
To become a Connections Club member: Reach age 40 or better and maintain qualifying account balances. Stop by any branch to request membership information. To be eligible you can choose options 1, 2, or 3: 1. Maintain at least $10,000 in one of the following MidWest One Bank accounts: checking, savings, or money market account. 2. Maintain at least $50,000 in any combination of the following MidWest One accounts: checking, savings, certificates of deposit, money market account, IRA, personal trust services, or brokerage services. 3. Qualify with an initial balance of $50,000 on either a consumer or mortgage loan. (Loans can’t be combined, a joint account relationship held by a married couple qualifies both. No membership fees are involved. Personal accounts only.) Bring a Guest: Members are encouraged to invite friends and you may register one guest for each Club event. A couple may invite two individuals. As space becomes available, eachmember may invite more than one guest. For reservations call: Connie Francis: 563.589.0804 Lori Marshall: 608.723.5678 Sheila Tegeler: 563.875.2491 Pam Kreul: 608.822.7300 Kristie Heims: 563.744.3380 Cancellation Policy: If a cancellation is necessary, every effort will be made to provide either a partial or full refund. However, we cannot provide a guarantee of a full refund. Please be advised that there will be circumstances when refunds will not be possible due to ticket purchases, meal number guarantees, etc. If a tour is cancelled due to insufficient reservation numbers, you will be issued a full refund. On tours where an outside agent is used, we will adhere to the written cancellation policy of the agent. Stand-By List: We always appreciate your willingness to be on the stand-by list for trips that are filled. Please call and add your name to any that interest you. You may get a call to join us. Points for Travel Program: Each time you travel with us, earn valuable points to redeem as cash discounts for future travel! Every travel day earns you 75 points. For every 300 points you accumulate, you earn a $10 credit toward a future trip.
Reverse Mortgage Lunch & Learn Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 11:30 a.m., 3rd Floor Conference Room MidWest One Bank, 895 Main St., Dubuque, IA
Reverse mortgages (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage-HECM) 1 let you access your home’s equity to help fund retirement needs. If you qualify, there’s no monthly payment required as long as you live in and maintain your home. 2 You may be able to use the funds to pay off your exising mortgage 3 , pay medical bills, fund home repairs or renovations 4 , and more. Join this seminar to hear more from MidWest One ’s own Reverse Mortgage expert, John Leer. John is a Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional, CRMP®, and has been originating reverse mortgages since 2006. He has helped hundreds of seniors benefit from a Reverse Mortgage Loan. You must be 62 years or older to qualify, other restrictions apply. Call 589.0804 to register. Seating is limited. 1 The HECM loan program is offered through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and should not be viewed as a government benefit. Mortgage insurance is required. 2 Regular payments must be made for taxes and insurance. Repayment of loan balance, fees and compounded interest will be required when a maturing event occurs. Examples of a maturing event include; selling the home, borrower no longer occupies the home or is deceased, not paying homeowners insurance and property taxes, or not keeping the home in good repair, as required by the FHA. Failing to meet these requirements can trigger a loan default that can lead to foreclosure. 3 Your existing mortgage, if any, must be paid off before obtaining any funds from a HECM loan; you can use proceeds from the HECM loan for this purpose. 4 If your home needs repairs to be eligible for a HECM loan, you may be able to use the proceeds of the loan to accomplish this. FHA did not distribute or approve this material. Loans subject to credit approval. Equal Housing Lender NMLS: 400531
New Date!
Don’t Let It Be You! Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 10:00 a.m., 12th floor MidWest One Bank, 895 Main St., Dubuque, IA
Unfortunately, fraud happens every day, that’s why we’re excited to offer this opportunity for you to learn how to protect yourself. Receive tips to proactively stay safe, and avoid the frustration and possible financial loss from fraudelent activity. Justine Bemis, 2nd Vice President-AML Fraud Services, has been with MidWest One Bank for 24 years. Justine is responsible for developing and implementing all processes and policies designed to safeguard the Bank and its customers from fraud. She also works to mitigate loss and risk after fraud occurs. Call 589.0804 to register. Seating is limited.
Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender
4 Connections Club
Connections Club 5
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