Mar_April 2022
Hello from Connie
Calendar and Contents
Calendar 2022 March 6 Steel Magnolias /Grand Opera House (p.6) March 9 Beautiful: The Carole King Musical /Adler Theatre March 15 Don’t Let it be You Seminar (p.5) March 19 The Lettermen/UD Heritage Center (p.6) April 4-13 Enchanting Ireland April 19 Spamilton /UD Heritage Center (p.7) April 19 Travel Preview/Hawaii (p.21) April 19 Travel Preview/Greek Isles (p.17) April 19 Travel Preview/New York (p.19) April 26-29 Spring Mystery Trip (p.22) May 1 Getting Sara Married (p.7) May 18 Mortgage Seminar (p.5) June 5-9 Niagara Falls Canada (p.14) June 15 What Happens in Vegas /Fireside Theater (p.10) June 19 The Sound of Music /Grand Opera House (p.8) June26-July1 CapeCod&Boston (p.15) July 13 Celebration Belle (p.8) July 31 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels /Grand Opera House (p.9) August 16 Hamilton /OvertureCenter (p.12) August 21 Carrie Underwood at the Iowa State Fair (p.13) Sept 29-Oct 12 Greek Isles, Malta & Italy (p.16-17) Oct 26 Clue The Musical /Circa 21 (p.11) Nov 18-22 Holiday Time in New York City (p.18-19) Feb 5-14, 2023 Hawaii (p.20-21)
Hello Friends,
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year on Groundhog’s Day signaling six more weeks of winter. Really on February 2nd don’t we all anticipate 6 more weeks of winter? I do. Living in the Midwest just lends itself to unpre- dictable weather and lots to talk about such as the lines at
the grocery stores when snow is forecasted or the extreme heat that accompanies our children on their first day back to school after summer break. It’s natural for us. When I decided to start my letter with Punxsutawney Phil, I thought I better do some research. After a few keystrokes, my computer screen was filled with more information than I could ever imagine. By the way Phil is only accurate 40% of the time. I was kind of disappointed to learn that fact. Back in the day when we wanted to research something, we would have gone to an outdated set of encyclopedias grabbing a volume, in this case “G” to find out more. Now we have this amazing technology with so much at our fingertips. I’m always “fact” checking something. I will never forget when I first heard of this thing called the “World Wide Web.” My husband had returned to school as an adult learner and came home from Clarke College one evening saying the strangest things. He said his teachers where telling the class about how life would change with the introduction of the World Wide Web. One thing he mentioned was the abil- ity to type in a question, any question and an answer would appear. I said, “who is going to answer it?” He also said we were going to be able to communicate with people anytime, anywhere, all over the world. It all sounded so crazy. Well, it really wasn’t crazy at all was it? It brings me to the topic of the recent changes for Connections Club. We are using email to get our Connections Club Journal to many of our members. We have our printed version of the Journal available at the branch offices for pick up. Change is always a little hard at first. We have been through so much just recently. Hang in there with me. Remember most people under the age of 20 could show us more about technology than we could ever dream to know. It is a great excuse to call a young person.
Notes from Connie
p.3 p.4 p.5
Bulletin Board
Upcoming Seminars
Local Events
One-Day Ventures
p.10-11 p.12-13
Dyersville/Farley Event Niagara Falls Canada Cape Cod & Boston p.15 Greek Isles, Malta, & Italy p.16-17 New York City p.18-19 Hawaii p.20-21 Spring Mystery Trip p.22 Missing Word Contest p.23 p.14
Make Today Great!
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