Manufacturing Specialties, Inc. Savings & Investment Plan
Our Service Promise
Improve your plan’s average age adjustment score by 10% each year 1 .
Our retirement readiness solution: ATBlueprint ®
A Powerful Process The ATBlueprint tracks a participant’s progress to retirement. It is designed to:
• Define the relationship between a participant’s current and future income needs • Use monthly returns in future progress projections and cost of living adjustments based on residency • Suggest ways to increase the retirement balance
• Offer relevant ways to improve outcomes • Project a beneficiary’s monthly benefits • Estimate annual costs of long term-care insurance
Help your participants reach goals: ATBlueprint ® Customization Reach Retirement Goals with Confidence Customizing the ATBlueprint helps you and your employees to be better prepared and feel more confident in reaching your retirement goals. Participants in the plan can accomplish this by creating and/or customizing their ATBlueprint by using specific measurements, including compensation, savings rates, and more. Additional information from other retirement accounts can also be incorporated.
Learn more about ATBlueprint.
1 Will be market adjusted
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