MWO Promo Memo
MWO Promo Memo
ONE-TIME CLOSE Save money. Save time. Close just once. 1
LOCAL ORIGINATION AND SERVICING Keep your loan close to home. Enjoy simply better banking and service from application through close and beyond. 2
1 12-month interest only loan automatically converts to a 7/1 ARM (30 year amortization). 2 Subject to credit approval and conditions. 3 Up to $1,000 lender credit (including appraisal fee) applies toward refinance to fixed-rate financing. Appraisal fee waived if refinance is complete within 12-months of appraisal date. Lender Credit applies when refinance is completed within 18-months of construction loan closing. Cannot be combined with other offers. Closing costs in excess of the $1,000 credit will be the responsibility of the borrower. Other exclusions may apply. Program subject to change and may be ended by MidWest One at any time. Construction Loans An easier way to finance your dream home. When it comes to building your dream home, MidWest One makes financing your dream easy and convenient . With our Simply Better ™ construction loan program, we’ve rolled short-term construction and permanent financing into one convenient loan. • Finance up to 90% LTV • Interest-only payments are available during construction • Local origination and servicing • Land and lot purchase can be included in the cost of the project • Up to $1,000 off refinance to a fixed-rate loan after construction 3 Simply Better Home Loans.
GET UP TO $1,000 OFF CLOSING COSTS Save money on your closing with waived appraisal fee and lender credit. Conditions apply. 3
APPLY TODAY! Stop dreaming and start building. Apply today, visit: MidWest One .bank/NEWBuild
Tammy Sauer Mortgage Banker TSauer@MidWest One .com NMLS: 641589
700 Main Street, Suite 100 • Pella, IA • 641.621.2083
MidWest One .bank | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender
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