Your Retirement Plan
Start building your retirement savings now.
What is a 401(k) Retirement Plan?
The Basics A 401(k) is an employer sponsored account that enables you to save money and grow your retirement savings.
• Sponsored by your employer • Allows you to make contributions • Tax advantage: defer taxes until distribution and/or potential for tax-free income
How it Works Saving for retirement is easy. You decide the amount you want deducted from your pay check to contribute to your retirement plan. That amount is immediately placed into your 401(k) account and invested into the investment strategy you chose. The money you invest accumulates tax-deferred/tax-free in your account.
Note: The amount you contribute can be adjusted. Refer to your Plan Information to find out how often your plan allows for changes.
Advantages of Saving in a Retirement Plan
• By contributing Pre-tax, you can lower your taxes and keep more of what you’ve earned • Compounding–your balance may accumulate quickly, earning interest on top of interest • Investment customization and flexibility • Saving is easy with an automatic deduction from your paycheck • It is portable. If you leave your current employer, you can move the money to your next employer’s 401(k) or another qualified plan, such as an IRA
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