Investment Basics
Overall understanding of the strategies of investing.
Types of Investment Solutions
Mutual Funds A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt. The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio. Investors buy shares in mutual funds. Each share represents an investor’s part ownership in the fund and the income it generates. Types of mutual funds include: • Stable value fund: delivers safety and stability by preserving principal and accumulated earnings. Similar to a money market fund, but aims to offer stability and higher returns • Bond fund: essentially a loan that can be issued by a government and/or their agencies, or by corporations and asset-backed securities issuers to raise money or capital. Typically less volatile than a stock fund. Unlike certain types of individual bonds, bond funds do not mature and are not guaranteed • Stock mutual fund: pools money from many investors to invest in a group of stocks from a certain variety of companies
Learn more about Mutual Funds.
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