LMS_Inv Info
Investment Options Active Platform
Investment Choices
Oppenheimer Developing Markets Hartford Small Cap Growth T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Growth T. Rowe Price Large Growth Columbia Mid Cap Index MFS Instl International Equity Prudential Small-Cap Value Victory Sycamore Established Value Vanguard 500 Index Admiral American Beacon Large Value American Funds American Balanced Blackrock High Yield Bond Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond Vanguard Short-Term Inv-Grade Admiral American Trust Stable Value
Higher Risk
Lower Risk
Investment Facts
The following pages detail the investments that you may choose to invest in your retirement program. When making investment decisions, consider the length of time until retirement, other investments (i.e. mutual funds, CDs, spouse’s retirement plan), and how much risk you are willing to take.
895 Main Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 800.548.2994 americantrustretirement.com
American Trust Fund LineUp Re�rement
As of 6/30/2018
Expense Ra�o
1 Mo
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
US OE Large Growth
T. Rowe Price Instl Large Cap Growth
US OE Large Blend
Vanguard 500 Index Admiral
US Fund Large Value
American Beacon Large Cap Value Instl
US Fund MidCap Growth
T. Rowe Price Mid‐Cap Growth I
US Fund MidCap Blend
Columbia Mid Cap Index Inst
US Fund MidCap Value
Victory Sycamore Established Value I
US Fund Small Growth
Har�ord Small Cap Growth Y
US Fund Small Value
PGIM QMA Small‐Cap Value Z
US OE Interna�onal
MFS® Instl Interna�onal Equity
US Fund Diversified Emerging Mkts
Oppenheimer Developing Markets I
US Fund Alloca�on50% to 70% Equity
American Funds American Balanced R6
US Fund ShortTerm Bond
Vanguard Short‐Term Investment‐Grade Adm
US Fund IntermediateTerm Bond
Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond N
US Fund High Yield Bond
BlackRock High Yield Bond K
Stable Value Category Average
— —
American Trust Stable Value*
Past performance may not be indica�ve of future results. *Represents the fees paid to the underlying fund. Incep�on date for the Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker I is 5/1/2008. Incep�on date for the Oppenheimer Developing Markets I fund is 12/29/2011. Returns prior to that are from the fund's oldest share class. For a prospectus on the underlying fund of the Por�olios, contact American Trust & Savings Bank, 563‐582‐1841. You should read the prospectus, if available, carefully before inves�ng.
American Trust - HCM Aggressive Growth
Jun 30, 2018
Howard Capital Management, Inc. (“HCM”) provides professional money management services. The vision for HCM originated during the 1987 stock market crash. With the opinion that incurring financially devastating losses due to market volatility is unnecessary, HCM initiated a plan with a main objective to protect capital during turbulent times. After years of research, HCM developed a disciplined, systematic, non-emotional method of investing designed with the goal to protect assets. In 2000-2002 as the market dropped, HCM reduced exposure to stocks through this proprietary method. During another downturn in 2008, HCM’s intermediate term indicator, the HCM-BuyLine® signaled to exit the stock market. Consequently, client assets moved to the safety of the sidelines during much of the decline. Operating since 1999, HCM continues to offer a stop/loss approach to assist clients with various investment endeavors.
Hypothetical Initial $100,000 Investment (Inception of 01/01/2004 to 06/30/2018)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
HCM Aggressive Growth
S&P 98%, Barclays 2%
INCEP 01/01/04 to 06/30/18
Trailing (%)
Trailing (Annualized %)
Annual (%)
1 MO 3 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR INCEP 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0.77 6.53 10.28 23.77 15.05 15.64 15.52 25.54 8.09 7.03 13.25 21.87 0.61 3.36 2.57 14.08 11.75 13.21 8.50 31.63 13.54 1.41 11.80 21.45
HCM Aggressive Growth S&P 98%, Barclays 2%
1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 9.12 12.12 11.51 8.43 9.95 9.61 1.00 1.09 1.03
HCM-BuyLine® The HCM-BuyLine® is a strategic proprietary indicator used to assist in determining when and how much to invest in equities. Through a technical approach, the broad trend in the equity market is identified. When the trend is down, exposure to equities is reduced, and, when the trend is up, exposure to equities is increased. When out of the market, the investment will be in cash and cash equivalents. Performance data shown in this presentation represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Indexes are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. See the attached Disclosure Statement.
Standard Deviation (HCM Model %) Standard Deviation (Benchmark%)
Model Allocation
American Trust - HCM Aggressive Growth trades mutual funds with an approximate target ratio of 98% Equity/2% Bond. This allocation may vary at the discretion of the manager.
Equity Bond
Model Strategy
By using the proprietary HCM Buy-Line®, the strategy seeks capital preservation during times of market distress. Trend analysis is used to decide when to move away from securities and into cash and cash equivalents. During positive market trends, equity portion of this strategy seeks to participate in all domestic markets and sectors. Multiple indicators are monitored to identify developing trends in the markets. The bond portion of this strategy typically seeks to participate in domestic markets and sectors (but may on occasion trade global funds) using a strategy that rotates among short-, medium-, and long-term bonds; high-yield bonds; corporate bonds; and treasuries. The portfolio is rebalanced periodically, and it is possible for the allocation to be adjusted when the HCM-BuyLine® indicates a strengthening or weakening in the equity markets.
Active Management
HCM actively manages this strategy by using a systematic, non- emotional methodology. The weighted average of the expense ratios of the funds in the model is 0.67%.
Benchmark Information
The comparative benchmark is S&P 500 Monthly Reinvested Index (98%), Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond TR Index (2%). See attached Disclosure Statement for additional information.
This presentation is solely for use on a one-to-one basis by current and prospective clients and their investment professionals.
Howard Capital Management, Inc. | 1145 Hembree Road | Roswell, GA 30076 | (770) 642-4902 | info@howardcm.com | www.howardcm.com
American Trust - HCM Aggressive Growth
Disclosure Statement All investment approaches have the potential for loss as well as gain. There is no certainty that any investment or strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended by the advisor), will be profitable or successful in achieving investment objectives. Please work with your financial professional to determine which investment program is consistent with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. From inception to present, the results of this HCM strategy reflect the historical model performance of funds offered through American Trust, rebalanced monthly. Performance results were achieved through the retroactive application of a model that was designed with the benefit of hindsight. Model results have inherent limitations, particularly the fact that these results do not represent actual trading and may not reflect the impact that material economic and market factors might have placed on the advisor’s decision-making if the advisor had actually been managing the client’s money. The backtesting used in the model involves a hypothetical reconstruction, based on past market data, of what the performance of a particular account may have been had the advisor been managing the account using a particular investment strategy. These hypothetical backtested results should not be viewed as indicative of the advisor’s skill and do not reflect the performance results that were achieved by any particular client. During this hypothetical period, the advisor was not providing advice using this model, and client’s results were materially different. The model that gave rise to these backtested performance results is one that the advisor is now using in managing clients’ accounts. HCM performance results: 1) are calculated monthly, 2) are net of the weighted average of the expenses of the underlying funds held in the portfolio at the time of publication, deducted monthly, and 3) reflect the reinvestment of all income, and 4) do not consider taxes and custodian fees. All performance results are unaudited and have not been independently verified. The actual performance of an individual client’s portfolio may be lower or higher than the performance of the HCM model portfolio strategy due to differences in timing of contributions and withdrawals, account start date and actual fees paid. No current or prospective client should assume that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended by the advisor), will be profitable or equal to past performance levels. Economic factors, market conditions, and investment strategies will affect the performance of any portfolio and there are no assurances that it will match or outperform any particular benchmark for measuring the performance of a portfolio. S&P 500 Reinvested is a gauge of the large cap U.S. equities market. The index includes 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy, capturing 75% coverage of U.S. equities. Reinvested assumes dividends are reinvested. Visit http://www.standardandpoors.com/indices for more information regarding Standard & Poor's indices. HFRX Equity Hedge Index is constructed using a UCITSIII compliant methodology, which is based on defined and predetermined rules and objective criteria to select and rebalance components to maximize representation of the Hedge Fund Universe. HFRX Indices utilize quantitative techniques and analysis, multi-level screening, cluster analysis, Monte-Carlo simulations and optimization techniques to ensure that each Index is a pure representation of its corresponding investment focus. Full strategy and regional descriptions (multi-language), as well as the full "HFRX Hedge Fund Indices Defined Formulaic Methodology" may be downloaded at www.hfrx.com. Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond TR Index is a broad-based benchmark that measures the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market, including Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, MBS (agency fixed-rate and hybrid ARM passthroughs), ABS, and CMBS. The US Aggregate rolls up into other Barclays Capital flagship indices such as the multi- currency Global Aggregate Index and the US Universal Index, which includes high yield and emerging markets debt. The US Aggregate Index was created in 1986, with index history backfilled to January 1, 1976. Total Return (TR) assumes yield is reinvested. Visit https://ecommerce.barcap.com/indices for more information regarding Barclays Capital indices. Indexes are unmanaged investment measures and are not available for investment purposes. The returns of the strategy in certain years may be higher than the returns of its comparative benchmark index as a result of certain market factors and events that may not be replicated in the future. In addition, the strategy's holdings may differ significantly from the securities that comprise the benchmark. Historical performance results for investment indexes and/or categories generally do not reflect the deduction of transaction and/or custodial charges or the deduction of an investment-management fee, the incurrence of which would have the effect of decreasing historical performance results. The ability of the HCM strategy to position assets in cash and/or bond funds results in its returns exhibiting a considerable variation from, and lower volatility than, its benchmark returns during periods when the HCM-BuyLine® indicates higher risk for equities. During other periods, the HCM strategy returns will generally exhibit higher volatility than those of the benchmark. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. There can be no assurances that any investment or strategy will match or outperform any particular benchmark. Past performance is not a guarantee of future investment success. Not every HCM-BuyLine® buy and sell will result in a profitable trade. There will be times when following the indicator results in a loss. However, there have been situations in the past in which HCM reduced clients’ exposure to equities during market downturns by following an HCM-BuyLine® signal, thereby preserving capital. An important goal of the BuyLine® is to outperform the market on a long-term basis. The reason is the mathematics of gains and losses. A 30% loss takes a 43% gain to return to the previous portfolio value. The HCM-BuyLine® is a reactive indicator, not a proactive one. It will not catch the first 5 – 10% of a bull or bear move. Ideally, it will avoid most of the downtrends and catch the vast bulk of the uptrends. There may be times when the use of the indicator will result in a loss when we re-enter the market. Other times there may be a modest positive impact. When severe downtrends occur, however, such as in 2000-2002 and 2007-2008, it has the potential to make a significant difference in portfolio performance. Naturally, there can be no guarantee that the HCM-BuyLine® indicator will perform as anticipated. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment or strategy will either be suitable or profitable for a client’s investment portfolio. Investment returns will fluctuate and are subject to market volatility due to general market and economic conditions and perceptions, so that an investor’s shares when redeemed may be worth more or less than their original costs. The net asset value per share of this HCM program will fluctuate as the value of the securities in the portfolio changes. Since this HCM program is actively managed it may have an above-average turnover rate, which could have a negative impact upon the net after-tax gain experienced by an individual client in a taxable account. If applicable, to discourage short-term investing and excessive trading, many mutual funds impose short-term redemption fees that range from 0.5% to 2.0%. Although this HCM program seeks to avoid these fees, they may occasionally be incurred because of the active management strategy being utilized. This material has been distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Howard Capital Management, Inc. Howard Capital Management is registered as an investment adviser with the SEC and only transacts business where it is properly registered or is otherwise exempt from registration. SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the Commission nor does it indicate that the adviser has attained a particular level of skill or ability.
Howard Capital Management, Inc. | 1145 Hembree Road | Roswell, GA 30076 | (770) 642-4902 | info@howardcm.com | www.howardcm.com
American Trust - HCM Growth
Jun 30, 2018
Howard Capital Management, Inc. (“HCM”) provides professional money management services. The vision for HCM originated during the 1987 stock market crash. With the opinion that incurring financially devastating losses due to market volatility is unnecessary, HCM initiated a plan with a main objective to protect capital during turbulent times. After years of research, HCM developed a disciplined, systematic, non-emotional method of investing designed with the goal to protect assets. In 2000-2002 as the market dropped, HCM reduced exposure to stocks through this proprietary method. During another downturn in 2008, HCM’s intermediate term indicator, the HCM-BuyLine® signaled to exit the stock market. Consequently, client assets moved to the safety of the sidelines during much of the decline. Operating since 1999, HCM continues to offer a stop/loss approach to assist clients with various investment endeavors.
Hypothetical Initial $100,000 Investment (Inception of 01/01/2004 to 06/30/2018)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
HCM Growth
S&P 70%, Barclays 30%
INCEP 01/01/04 to 06/30/18
Trailing (%)
Trailing (Annualized %)
Annual (%)
1 MO 3 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR INCEP 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0.69 5.16 7.52 18.86 12.64 13.12 14.31 19.68 7.47 5.17 11.54 19.15 0.40 2.35 1.43 9.84 8.91 10.10 7.36 21.14 11.38 1.36 9.25 16.09
HCM Growth
S&P 70%, Barclays 30%
1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 7.54 9.87 9.42 5.97 7.09 6.86 1.19 1.24 1.20
HCM-BuyLine® The HCM-BuyLine® is a strategic proprietary indicator used to assist in determining when and how much to invest in equities. Through a technical approach, the broad trend in the equity market is identified. When the trend is down, exposure to equities is reduced, and, when the trend is up, exposure to equities is increased. When out of the market, the investment will be in cash and cash equivalents. Performance data shown in this presentation represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Indexes are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. See the attached Disclosure Statement.
Standard Deviation (HCM Model %) Standard Deviation (Benchmark%)
Model Allocation
American Trust - HCM Growth trades mutual funds with an approximate target ratio of 70% Equity/30% Bond. This allocation may vary at the discretion of the manager.
Equity Bond
Model Strategy
By using the proprietary HCM Buy-Line®, the strategy seeks capital preservation during times of market distress. Trend analysis is used to decide when to move away from securities and into cash and cash equivalents. During positive market trends, equity portion of this strategy seeks to participate in all domestic markets and sectors. Multiple indicators are monitored to identify developing trends in the markets. The bond portion of this strategy typically seeks to participate in domestic markets and sectors (but may on occasion trade global funds) using a strategy that rotates among short-, medium-, and long-term bonds; high-yield bonds; corporate bonds; and treasuries. The portfolio is rebalanced periodically, and it is possible for the allocation to be adjusted when the HCM-BuyLine® indicates a strengthening or weakening in the equity markets.
Active Management
HCM actively manages this strategy by using a systematic, non- emotional methodology. The weighted average of the expense ratios of the funds in the model is 0.59%.
Benchmark Information
The comparative benchmark is S&P 500 Monthly Reinvested Index (70%), Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond TR Index (30%). See attached Disclosure Statement for additional information.
This presentation is solely for use on a one-to-one basis by current and prospective clients and their investment professionals.
Howard Capital Management, Inc. | 1145 Hembree Road | Roswell, GA 30076 | (770) 642-4902 | info@howardcm.com | www.howardcm.com
American Trust - HCM Growth
Disclosure Statement All investment approaches have the potential for loss as well as gain. There is no certainty that any investment or strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended by the advisor), will be profitable or successful in achieving investment objectives. Please work with your financial professional to determine which investment program is consistent with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. From inception to present, the results of this HCM strategy reflect the historical model performance of funds offered through American Trust, rebalanced monthly. Performance results were achieved through the retroactive application of a model that was designed with the benefit of hindsight. Model results have inherent limitations, particularly the fact that these results do not represent actual trading and may not reflect the impact that material economic and market factors might have placed on the advisor’s decision-making if the advisor had actually been managing the client’s money. The backtesting used in the model involves a hypothetical reconstruction, based on past market data, of what the performance of a particular account may have been had the advisor been managing the account using a particular investment strategy. These hypothetical backtested results should not be viewed as indicative of the advisor’s skill and do not reflect the performance results that were achieved by any particular client. During this hypothetical period, the advisor was not providing advice using this model, and client’s results were materially different. The model that gave rise to these backtested performance results is one that the advisor is now using in managing clients’ accounts. HCM performance results: 1) are calculated monthly, 2) are net of the weighted average of the expenses of the underlying funds held in the portfolio at the time of publication, deducted monthly, and 3) reflect the reinvestment of all income, and 4) do not consider taxes and custodian fees. All performance results are unaudited and have not been independently verified. The actual performance of an individual client’s portfolio may be lower or higher than the performance of the HCM model portfolio strategy due to differences in timing of contributions and withdrawals, account start date and actual fees paid. No current or prospective client should assume that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended by the advisor), will be profitable or equal to past performance levels. Economic factors, market conditions, and investment strategies will affect the performance of any portfolio and there are no assurances that it will match or outperform any particular benchmark for measuring the performance of a portfolio. S&P 500 Reinvested is a gauge of the large cap U.S. equities market. The index includes 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy, capturing 75% coverage of U.S. equities. Reinvested assumes dividends are reinvested. Visit http://www.standardandpoors.com/indices for more information regarding Standard & Poor's indices. HFRX Equity Hedge Index is constructed using a UCITSIII compliant methodology, which is based on defined and predetermined rules and objective criteria to select and rebalance components to maximize representation of the Hedge Fund Universe. HFRX Indices utilize quantitative techniques and analysis, multi-level screening, cluster analysis, Monte-Carlo simulations and optimization techniques to ensure that each Index is a pure representation of its corresponding investment focus. Full strategy and regional descriptions (multi-language), as well as the full "HFRX Hedge Fund Indices Defined Formulaic Methodology" may be downloaded at www.hfrx.com. Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond TR Index is a broad-based benchmark that measures the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market, including Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, MBS (agency fixed-rate and hybrid ARM passthroughs), ABS, and CMBS. The US Aggregate rolls up into other Barclays Capital flagship indices such as the multi- currency Global Aggregate Index and the US Universal Index, which includes high yield and emerging markets debt. The US Aggregate Index was created in 1986, with index history backfilled to January 1, 1976. Total Return (TR) assumes yield is reinvested. Visit https://ecommerce.barcap.com/indices for more information regarding Barclays Capital indices. Indexes are unmanaged investment measures and are not available for investment purposes. The returns of the strategy in certain years may be higher than the returns of its comparative benchmark index as a result of certain market factors and events that may not be replicated in the future. In addition, the strategy's holdings may differ significantly from the securities that comprise the benchmark. Historical performance results for investment indexes and/or categories generally do not reflect the deduction of transaction and/or custodial charges or the deduction of an investment-management fee, the incurrence of which would have the effect of decreasing historical performance results. The ability of the HCM strategy to position assets in cash and/or bond funds results in its returns exhibiting a considerable variation from, and lower volatility than, its benchmark returns during periods when the HCM-BuyLine® indicates higher risk for equities. During other periods, the HCM strategy returns will generally exhibit higher volatility than those of the benchmark. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. There can be no assurances that any investment or strategy will match or outperform any particular benchmark. Past performance is not a guarantee of future investment success. Not every HCM-BuyLine® buy and sell will result in a profitable trade. There will be times when following the indicator results in a loss. However, there have been situations in the past in which HCM reduced clients’ exposure to equities during market downturns by following an HCM-BuyLine® signal, thereby preserving capital. An important goal of the BuyLine® is to outperform the market on a long-term basis. The reason is the mathematics of gains and losses. A 30% loss takes a 43% gain to return to the previous portfolio value. The HCM-BuyLine® is a reactive indicator, not a proactive one. It will not catch the first 5 – 10% of a bull or bear move. Ideally, it will avoid most of the downtrends and catch the vast bulk of the uptrends. There may be times when the use of the indicator will result in a loss when we re-enter the market. Other times there may be a modest positive impact. When severe downtrends occur, however, such as in 2000-2002 and 2007-2008, it has the potential to make a significant difference in portfolio performance. Naturally, there can be no guarantee that the HCM-BuyLine® indicator will perform as anticipated. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment or strategy will either be suitable or profitable for a client’s investment portfolio. Investment returns will fluctuate and are subject to market volatility due to general market and economic conditions and perceptions, so that an investor’s shares when redeemed may be worth more or less than their original costs. The net asset value per share of this HCM program will fluctuate as the value of the securities in the portfolio changes. Since this HCM program is actively managed it may have an above-average turnover rate, which could have a negative impact upon the net after-tax gain experienced by an individual client in a taxable account. If applicable, to discourage short-term investing and excessive trading, many mutual funds impose short-term redemption fees that range from 0.5% to 2.0%. Although this HCM program seeks to avoid these fees, they may occasionally be incurred because of the active management strategy being utilized. This material has been distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Howard Capital Management, Inc. Howard Capital Management is registered as an investment adviser with the SEC and only transacts business where it is properly registered or is otherwise exempt from registration. SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the Commission nor does it indicate that the adviser has attained a particular level of skill or ability.
Howard Capital Management, Inc. | 1145 Hembree Road | Roswell, GA 30076 | (770) 642-4902 | info@howardcm.com | www.howardcm.com
American Trust - HCM Moderate Growth
Jun 30, 2018
Howard Capital Management, Inc. (“HCM”) provides professional money management services. The vision for HCM originated during the 1987 stock market crash. With the opinion that incurring financially devastating losses due to market volatility is unnecessary, HCM initiated a plan with a main objective to protect capital during turbulent times. After years of research, HCM developed a disciplined, systematic, non-emotional method of investing designed with the goal to protect assets. In 2000-2002 as the market dropped, HCM reduced exposure to stocks through this proprietary method. During another downturn in 2008, HCM’s intermediate term indicator, the HCM-BuyLine® signaled to exit the stock market. Consequently, client assets moved to the safety of the sidelines during much of the decline. Operating since 1999, HCM continues to offer a stop/loss approach to assist clients with various investment endeavors.
Hypothetical Initial $100,000 Investment (Inception of 01/01/2004 to 06/30/2018)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
HCM Moderate Growth
S&P 50%, Barclays 50%
INCEP 01/01/04 to 06/30/18
Trailing (%)
Trailing (Annualized %)
Annual (%)
1 MO 3 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR INCEP 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0.64 4.18 5.60 15.43 10.92 11.32 13.40 15.65 7.00 3.84 10.25 17.20 0.25 1.63 0.58 6.86 6.88 7.86 6.46 14.09 9.84 1.23 7.39 12.38
HCM Moderate Growth S&P 50%, Barclays 50%
1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 6.45 8.32 8.01 4.31 5.14 5.00 1.40 1.41 1.40
HCM-BuyLine® The HCM-BuyLine® is a strategic proprietary indicator used to assist in determining when and how much to invest in equities. Through a technical approach, the broad trend in the equity market is identified. When the trend is down, exposure to equities is reduced, and, when the trend is up, exposure to equities is increased. When out of the market, the investment will be in cash and cash equivalents. Performance data shown in this presentation represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Indexes are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. See the attached Disclosure Statement.
Standard Deviation (HCM Model %) Standard Deviation (Benchmark%)
Model Allocation
American Trust - HCM Moderate Growth trades mutual funds with an approximate target ratio of 50% Equity/50% Bond. This allocation may vary at the discretion of the manager.
Equity Bond
Model Strategy
By using the proprietary HCM Buy-Line®, the strategy seeks capital preservation during times of market distress. Trend analysis is used to decide when to move away from securities and into cash and cash equivalents. During positive market trends, equity portion of this strategy seeks to participate in all domestic markets and sectors. Multiple indicators are monitored to identify developing trends in the markets. The bond portion of this strategy typically seeks to participate in domestic markets and sectors (but may on occasion trade global funds) using a strategy that rotates among short-, medium-, and long-term bonds; high-yield bonds; corporate bonds; and treasuries. The portfolio is rebalanced periodically, and it is possible for the allocation to be adjusted when the HCM-BuyLine® indicates a strengthening or weakening in the equity markets.
Active Management
HCM actively manages this strategy by using a systematic, non- emotional methodology. The weighted average of the expense ratios of the funds in the model is 0.53%.
Benchmark Information
The comparative benchmark is S&P 500 Monthly Reinvested Index (50%), Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond TR Index (50%). See attached Disclosure Statement for additional information.
This presentation is solely for use on a one-to-one basis by current and prospective clients and their investment professionals.
Howard Capital Management, Inc. | 1145 Hembree Road | Roswell, GA 30076 | (770) 642-4902 | info@howardcm.com | www.howardcm.com
American Trust - HCM Moderate Growth
Disclosure Statement All investment approaches have the potential for loss as well as gain. There is no certainty that any investment or strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended by the advisor), will be profitable or successful in achieving investment objectives. Please work with your financial professional to determine which investment program is consistent with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. From inception to present, the results of this HCM strategy reflect the historical model performance of funds offered through American Trust, rebalanced monthly. Performance results were achieved through the retroactive application of a model that was designed with the benefit of hindsight. Model results have inherent limitations, particularly the fact that these results do not represent actual trading and may not reflect the impact that material economic and market factors might have placed on the advisor’s decision-making if the advisor had actually been managing the client’s money. The backtesting used in the model involves a hypothetical reconstruction, based on past market data, of what the performance of a particular account may have been had the advisor been managing the account using a particular investment strategy. These hypothetical backtested results should not be viewed as indicative of the advisor’s skill and do not reflect the performance results that were achieved by any particular client. During this hypothetical period, the advisor was not providing advice using this model, and client’s results were materially different. The model that gave rise to these backtested performance results is one that the advisor is now using in managing clients’ accounts. HCM performance results: 1) are calculated monthly, 2) are net of the weighted average of the expenses of the underlying funds held in the portfolio at the time of publication, deducted monthly, and 3) reflect the reinvestment of all income, and 4) do not consider taxes and custodian fees. All performance results are unaudited and have not been independently verified. The actual performance of an individual client’s portfolio may be lower or higher than the performance of the HCM model portfolio strategy due to differences in timing of contributions and withdrawals, account start date and actual fees paid. No current or prospective client should assume that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended by the advisor), will be profitable or equal to past performance levels. Economic factors, market conditions, and investment strategies will affect the performance of any portfolio and there are no assurances that it will match or outperform any particular benchmark for measuring the performance of a portfolio. S&P 500 Reinvested is a gauge of the large cap U.S. equities market. The index includes 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy, capturing 75% coverage of U.S. equities. Reinvested assumes dividends are reinvested. Visit http://www.standardandpoors.com/indices for more information regarding Standard & Poor's indices. HFRX Equity Hedge Index is constructed using a UCITSIII compliant methodology, which is based on defined and predetermined rules and objective criteria to select and rebalance components to maximize representation of the Hedge Fund Universe. HFRX Indices utilize quantitative techniques and analysis, multi-level screening, cluster analysis, Monte-Carlo simulations and optimization techniques to ensure that each Index is a pure representation of its corresponding investment focus. Full strategy and regional descriptions (multi-language), as well as the full "HFRX Hedge Fund Indices Defined Formulaic Methodology" may be downloaded at www.hfrx.com. Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond TR Index is a broad-based benchmark that measures the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market, including Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, MBS (agency fixed-rate and hybrid ARM passthroughs), ABS, and CMBS. The US Aggregate rolls up into other Barclays Capital flagship indices such as the multi- currency Global Aggregate Index and the US Universal Index, which includes high yield and emerging markets debt. The US Aggregate Index was created in 1986, with index history backfilled to January 1, 1976. Total Return (TR) assumes yield is reinvested. Visit https://ecommerce.barcap.com/indices for more information regarding Barclays Capital indices. Indexes are unmanaged investment measures and are not available for investment purposes. The returns of the strategy in certain years may be higher than the returns of its comparative benchmark index as a result of certain market factors and events that may not be replicated in the future. In addition, the strategy's holdings may differ significantly from the securities that comprise the benchmark. Historical performance results for investment indexes and/or categories generally do not reflect the deduction of transaction and/or custodial charges or the deduction of an investment-management fee, the incurrence of which would have the effect of decreasing historical performance results. The ability of the HCM strategy to position assets in cash and/or bond funds results in its returns exhibiting a considerable variation from, and lower volatility than, its benchmark returns during periods when the HCM-BuyLine® indicates higher risk for equities. During other periods, the HCM strategy returns will generally exhibit higher volatility than those of the benchmark. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. There can be no assurances that any investment or strategy will match or outperform any particular benchmark. Past performance is not a guarantee of future investment success. Not every HCM-BuyLine® buy and sell will result in a profitable trade. There will be times when following the indicator results in a loss. However, there have been situations in the past in which HCM reduced clients’ exposure to equities during market downturns by following an HCM-BuyLine® signal, thereby preserving capital. An important goal of the BuyLine® is to outperform the market on a long-term basis. The reason is the mathematics of gains and losses. A 30% loss takes a 43% gain to return to the previous portfolio value. The HCM-BuyLine® is a reactive indicator, not a proactive one. It will not catch the first 5 – 10% of a bull or bear move. Ideally, it will avoid most of the downtrends and catch the vast bulk of the uptrends. There may be times when the use of the indicator will result in a loss when we re-enter the market. Other times there may be a modest positive impact. When severe downtrends occur, however, such as in 2000-2002 and 2007-2008, it has the potential to make a significant difference in portfolio performance. Naturally, there can be no guarantee that the HCM-BuyLine® indicator will perform as anticipated. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment or strategy will either be suitable or profitable for a client’s investment portfolio. Investment returns will fluctuate and are subject to market volatility due to general market and economic conditions and perceptions, so that an investor’s shares when redeemed may be worth more or less than their original costs. The net asset value per share of this HCM program will fluctuate as the value of the securities in the portfolio changes. Since this HCM program is actively managed it may have an above-average turnover rate, which could have a negative impact upon the net after-tax gain experienced by an individual client in a taxable account. If applicable, to discourage short-term investing and excessive trading, many mutual funds impose short-term redemption fees that range from 0.5% to 2.0%. Although this HCM program seeks to avoid these fees, they may occasionally be incurred because of the active management strategy being utilized. This material has been distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Howard Capital Management, Inc. Howard Capital Management is registered as an investment adviser with the SEC and only transacts business where it is properly registered or is otherwise exempt from registration. SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the Commission nor does it indicate that the adviser has attained a particular level of skill or ability.
Howard Capital Management, Inc. | 1145 Hembree Road | Roswell, GA 30076 | (770) 642-4902 | info@howardcm.com | www.howardcm.com
American Trust - HCM Conservative Growth
Jun 30, 2018
Howard Capital Management, Inc. (“HCM”) provides professional money management services. The vision for HCM originated during the 1987 stock market crash. With the opinion that incurring financially devastating losses due to market volatility is unnecessary, HCM initiated a plan with a main objective to protect capital during turbulent times. After years of research, HCM developed a disciplined, systematic, non-emotional method of investing designed with the goal to protect assets. In 2000-2002 as the market dropped, HCM reduced exposure to stocks through this proprietary method. During another downturn in 2008, HCM’s intermediate term indicator, the HCM-BuyLine® signaled to exit the stock market. Consequently, client assets moved to the safety of the sidelines during much of the decline. Operating since 1999, HCM continues to offer a stop/loss approach to assist clients with various investment endeavors.
Hypothetical Initial $100,000 Investment (Inception of 01/01/2004 to 06/30/2018)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
HCM Conservative Growth
S&P 30%, Barclays 70%
INCEP 01/01/04 to 06/30/18
Trailing (%)
Trailing (Annualized %)
Annual (%)
1 MO 3 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR INCEP 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0.58 3.20 3.67 12.10 9.18 9.51 12.43 11.70 6.52 2.48 8.93 15.32 0.10 0.91 -0.28 3.93 4.82 5.63 5.48 7.40 8.29 1.03 5.51 8.77
HCM Conservative Growth S&P 30%, Barclays 70%
1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 5.44 6.86 6.70 2.88 3.43 3.40 1.59 1.53 1.57
HCM-BuyLine® The HCM-BuyLine® is a strategic proprietary indicator used to assist in determining when and how much to invest in equities. Through a technical approach, the broad trend in the equity market is identified. When the trend is down, exposure to equities is reduced, and, when the trend is up, exposure to equities is increased. When out of the market, the investment will be in cash and cash equivalents. Performance data shown in this presentation represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Indexes are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. See the attached Disclosure Statement.
Standard Deviation (HCM Model %) Standard Deviation (Benchmark%)
Model Allocation
American Trust - HCM Conservative Growth trades mutual funds with an approximate target ratio of 30% Equity/70% Bond. This allocation may vary at the discretion of the manager.
Equity Bond
Model Strategy
By using the proprietary HCM Buy-Line®, the strategy seeks capital preservation during times of market distress. Trend analysis is used to decide when to move away from securities and into cash and cash equivalents. During positive market trends, equity portion of this strategy seeks to participate in all domestic markets and sectors. Multiple indicators are monitored to identify developing trends in the markets. The bond portion of this strategy typically seeks to participate in domestic markets and sectors (but may on occasion trade global funds) using a strategy that rotates among short-, medium-, and long-term bonds; high-yield bonds; corporate bonds; and treasuries. The portfolio is rebalanced periodically, and it is possible for the allocation to be adjusted when the HCM-BuyLine® indicates a strengthening or weakening in the equity markets.
Active Management
HCM actively manages this strategy by using a systematic, non- emotional methodology. The weighted average of the expense ratios of the funds in the model is 0.47%.
Benchmark Information
The comparative benchmark is S&P 500 Monthly Reinvested Index (30%), Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond TR Index (70%). See attached Disclosure Statement for additional information.
This presentation is solely for use on a one-to-one basis by current and prospective clients and their investment professionals.
Howard Capital Management, Inc. | 1145 Hembree Road | Roswell, GA 30076 | (770) 642-4902 | info@howardcm.com | www.howardcm.com
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