July_August Connections Club Journal
The stunning 7 Hills Event Center is a tribute to Dubuque’s industrial past. Featuring floor to ceiling windows, an open layout, and beautifully restored hardwood floors, this space pays homage to the windows and woodworking that used to be manufactured here. 7 Hills will host the main course, chicken and roast beef served with mashed potatoes, creamy corn, and a dinner roll. Once dinner is complete, guests will hear about the transformation of the Millwork District!
The Fanny Stout House was built in 1893 by Henry Stout and was given to his daughter in 1898. It is a perfect example of eclectic architecture. The house is filled with rich characteristics, including beautiful woodwork, stunning chandeliers, and stained glass windows. Here, we will enjoy the last course—dessert. We then have one final treat—our Trolley will take us through the Reflections in the Park Christmas light display! Your Connections Club price is just $99 and includes trolley, driver’s gratuity, and all attractions listed above. We will meet the Trolley in the MidWest One parking lot located at 913 Locust St. at 4:45 p.m.
Connections Club 13
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