July_August 2018
Washington State April 23-28, 2019
Missing Word Contest
Goodbye Snail Mail–Hello E-mail Be first to receive details about upcoming trips and events. You won’t misplace your printed copy, as it’s always on your computer! Ready to sign-up? • Go to www.americantrust.bank • Click on Menu • Click on Services • Click on AmeriClub • Click on AmeriClub Journal • Complete the form • Click submit You will receive an e-mail confirmation that you have signed up and will no longer receive a paper copy of the Journal. You can also submit your Missing Word guess online! Just follow the link above, and click on Missing Word Contest in place of Journal. Like American Trust on Facebook to see what’s happening with AmeriClub and share with your friends.
Missing Word
Our Missing Word Contest winner for May/June was Michael Link, who received a check for $25. The missing word was “hard,” and the song title was “It’s Been a Hard Day’s Night.” We have hidden another song title with a missing word in this issue. Read your AmeriClub newsletter carefully, looking for any words enclosed in [brackets] like this. Rearrange the words to form the title or extended title of a popular song. One word will be missing. Figure out the missing word, and write the missing word only on the Missing Word Contest form found below. All correct entries received prior to the deadline indicated on the form are entered into the $25 drawing. All entries received throughout the year are entered into a year-end drawing for a grand prize of $100! Good luck!
H ere is your snapshot itinerary! On Day one we transfer to the Chicago airport for our morning flight to Seattle, Washington. Upon arrival we will motor coach to the waterfront town of La Conner. (D) Day 2: Enjoy an included breakfast and then onto Skagit Valley for their annual Tulip Festival. First stop is Tulip Town. Next we visit RoozenGaarde and stop for lunch. The rest of the afternoon and evening are on your own to explore. (B,L) Day 3: After an included breakfast we board the Chinook , our private yacht, to cruise to the San Juan Islands. We will also visit Orca Island and stay at the premier Rosario Resort & Spa. Your evening is free to relax and enjoy the ambiance of the resort. (B,L) Day 4: Spend today at Friday Harbor taking in the sights and sounds. The harbor is filled with interesting shops, artist galleries and a museum devoted to the Orca whales. Our ultimate destination today is Victoria, British Columbia. (B,L) Day 5: Our day begins with a city tour of Victoria. We’ll visit Butchart Gardens and then to the Fairmont Express Hotel. There, take a step back in time to experience the British tradition of Victorian High Tea. We then board the Victoria Clipper , a high speed catamaran, for our trip back to Seattle. (B) Day 6: Today we take a city tour of Seattle with a visit to the world famous Pike Place Market. Then we’re off to the airport for our flight home along with warm memo- ries of a fantastic trip. (B)
NEW Trip!
Entry Form Name: Address:
TRAVEL PREVIEW Thursday, August 2, 2018 2:00 p.m., 12th Floor 895 Main Street, Dubuque Seating is limited. RSVP to Connie at 563.589.0804 or 800.373.1841, ext. 7804, or cfrancis@americantrust.com
The missing word is: (Entries must be received before July 31. Members only.)
Mail to: Connie Francis American Trust P.O. Box 938
Dubuque, Iowa 52004-0938
AmeriClub 23
22 AmeriClub
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