Final with calendar corrections FDIC -July_August
Connie’s Corner
With Gratitude
Cookies & Trivia Thursday, August 24, 2023 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Now that you’ve had a chance to read the news about my position and Con nections Club, I want to take a minute to talk to you. I’m very excited and quite grateful for the opportunity to retire. It is time to move my suitcase into the back of the closet. It is time to actually clean that dreaded closet. Haha! It is time to relax and take a breath. BUT…. Before I do, let’s get together. Let’s be fun and frivolous. Sign up for everything! Okay, well at least sign up for as many as you can. Use your points for travel credits! Your enthusiasm and support has always been my motivator. Thank you for taking that leap of faith and trying out “group travel” with me. We have so many great memories, have done so many amazing things, and have traveled so many fabulous places. It’s not over yet! You have made it possible for me to smile a little brighter, laugh a little louder, and live a little better. Fate brought us together, but time made us friends.
Chocolate chip cookies are my all-time favorite. Did you know the chocolate chip cookie is now over 80 years old? The original recipe was created in the late 1930’s by Ruth Wakefield who famously ran the Toll House restaurant in Whitman, MA. While there are numerous stories about the cookie recipe’s origins—from chocolate accidentally falling into cookie batter to a rushed last-minute replacement ingredient miracle after running out of bakers’ chocolate and nuts—the truth is a bit more practical. Ruth Wakefield was no amateur baker running out of ingredients. In fact, she had a degree in household arts and built Toll House’s reputation for outstanding desserts. The iconic chocolate chip cookie was likely the result of diligent testing and recipe develop ment. Huh??? What other fun trivia should we know? Join me for chocolate chip cookies and trivia. We might have a prize or two but really just getting together to have some fun.
Forever in my heart!
This is a free event. Call 563.589.0804 to register!
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