3-4_Understanding-Why Participate.ai
ATDynamic Alloca�on Funds
As of 6/30/2017
ATDynamic Aggressive Growth
Investment Philosophy
Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es
32.0 16.0 10.0 20.5
We believe that a successful process, applied consistently, is the key to investment success. Each of our ATDynamic Alloca�on Funds is built with the same basic framework and core principles: a coresatellite approach, globally diversified across mul�ple asset classes, ac�vely managed, all at a low cost. Adhering to these core tenets allows us to build efficient por�olios that remain consistent across any risk profile.
Emerging Market Equi�es IntermediateTerm Bond
5.5 0.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 6.0
Cash Equivalents High Yield Bond
Emerging Markets Debt
Global Real Estate
About the Funds
By combining our American Trust Funds with lowcost ETFs, we have created a suite of globally diversified por�olios, built with varying levels of risk, all wrapped up in a fund format for easy selec�on. Simply select from 5 different ATDynamic Alloca�on funds and let American Trust do the rest. The funds use a coresatellite approach where nontradi�onal asset classes (satellites) are combined with a tradi�onal por�olio (Core) to improve overall diversifica�on and por�olio efficiency. We combine up to 14 different asset classes, in amounts consistent with each funds risk profile, to build a baseline alloca�on for each fund. The subadvisor, ATCapital Management, then ac�vely manages the mix of each fund–overweigh�ng asset classes that appear a�rac�ve and underweigh�ng those that do not–all within specific guidelines set for each ATDynamic Alloca�on Fund. Many tradi�onal asset alloca�on strategies use passive strategies to fill out their core equity and bond exposure. We do not. We efficiently blend our managed funds (American Trust funds) at the core and add ETFs around them–essen�ally building globally diversified por�olios–that are ac�vely managed–all at a frac�on of the cost of the average mutual fund.
ATDynamic Growth
Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es 4.5 IntermediateTerm Bond 14.0 Cash Equivalents 2.5 High Yield Bond 2.0 Emerging Markets Debt 2.3 Commodi�es 1.0 Global Real Estate 1.3 Alterna�ves 6.0 Total 100.0 28.0 13.0 8.0 17.5 Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es 3.5 IntermediateTerm Bond 33.0 Cash Equivalents 4.0 High Yield Bond 1.5 Emerging Markets Debt 1.5 Commodi�es 0.0 Global Real Estate 1.0 Alterna�ves 6.0 Total 100.0 21.0 10.0 6.0 12.5 Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es 2.5 IntermediateTerm Bond 51.0 Cash Equivalents 6.0 High Yield Bond 1.0 Emerging Markets Debt 1.0 Commodi�es 0.0 Global Real Estate 0.5 Alterna�ves 6.0 Total 100.0 13.0 6.5 4.0 8.5 % %
ATDynamic Moderate Growth
About the Subadvisor
Founded in 2006, ATCapital Management is an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. It is a specialized investment subsidiary that provides a suite of investment strategies that include tradi�onal equity, fixed income, and balanced por�olios, as well as a series of dynamic riskbased, mul�asset class investment solu�ons. ATCapital Management is a whollyowned subsidiary of ATBancorp and is an affiliate of American Trust.
ATDynamic Conserva�ve Growth
Por�olio Returns
Wgtd Exp Ra�o
1 Mo Qtr YTD 1 Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 10 Yrs Incep*
ATDynamic Conserva�ve
— — —
Large Cap Equi�es Mid Cap Equi�es Small Cap Equi�es Interna�onal Equi�es Emerging Market Equi�es IntermediateTerm Bond
7.0 4.5 0.0 5.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 6.0
ATDynamic Aggressive Growth
0.57 0.97 2.88 8.04 17.06
— — —
ATDynamic Growth
0.56 0.79 2.53 7.01 14.02
— — —
ATDynamic Moderate Growth
0.54 0.59 2.08 5.56 10.35
— — —
ATDynamic Conserva�ve Growth
0.52 0.38 1.62 4.12 6.03
Cash Equivalents High Yield Bond
— — —
ATDynamic Conserva�ve
0.51 0.13 1.16 2.55 2.19
Emerging Markets Debt
Global Real Estate
*Incep�on Date: January 1, 2016
Made with FlippingBook Annual report