Core Income Enrollment Booklet
Frontier Advantage TM Portfolios Our Frontier Advantage TM Portfolios are fully diversified, and combine strategic and tactical management. All portfolios are designed with a specific range of equity exposure and a diversified target allocation. The overall equity exposure is increased or decreased, depending on market conditions within that framework, with the goal of being diversified at all times.
Moderate Growth Growth portfolios keep a target allocation of 60% in equity classes, and are intended to stay in a range of 30% to 70%.
Conservative Conservative portfolios keep a target allocation of 20% in equity classes, and are intended to stay in a range of 0% to 20%.
Conservative Growth Balanced portfolios keep a target allocation of 40% in equity classes, and are intended to stay in a range of 20% to 50%.
Aggressive Growth Aggressive portfolios keep a target allocation of 80% in equity classes, and are intended to stay in a range of 40% to 90%.
Diversified Tactical The Diversified Tactical portfolio can be positioned anywhere along the Efficient Frontier, from the most aggressive, to the most conservative allocation. The portfolio manager can increase and decrease the equity exposure depending on market and economic conditions, with the goal of having a fully diversified portfolio at all times.
Growth Growth portfolios keep a target allocation of 70% in equity classes, and are intended to stay in a range of 35% to 80%.
Portfolio Returns
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300 East 5th Avenue, Suite 265, Naperville, IL 60563
Premise Capital, LLC, is an investment adviser headquartered at 300 E 5th Ave.. Napervile, IL 60563. Phone: 630-596-9911. If you would like to obtain a copy of our disclosure brochure that explains our services, fees and other important information please go to the SEC's website at
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