Business Banking Booklet 2020
From setup to analysis and beyond, we’re there for you every step of the way.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) Manager
ACH Manager lets you take greater control over your payables and receivables. Plus, if your business is spread over several locations, you can keep your surplus operating cash in a single, consolidated account and use the ACH system to receive and disburse operating funds to and from various loca- tions on an as-needed basis. MidWest One Bank At Work Our business banking clients may also qualify for an employee Bank-At-Work program that offers out- standing value to your staff members. Employees of our business banking clients may also enjoy a $150 bonus* with a new Power Checking account, nation- wide ATM fee refunds, and a higher interest savings account. There is no minimum balance requirement and no monthly fees. Additional Bank At Work benefits may include no annual-fee rewards credit cards, discounted rates on consumer loans with automatic payments, free fi- nancial review and retirement planning advice from an investment services professional, and more. For more details go to MidWest One .bank/bank-at- work, see your relationship banker to get started. *Offer valid for new personal Power Checking accounts only. Existing Power Checking accounts are not eligible. Offer valid through 12/31/2020. Limit one per household. You will receive $150 deposit into your Power Checking account within 15 busi- ness days once you have qualified for Power Checking rewards in one of the first three Power Checking statement cycles after account opening. The “qualification cycle” is the same as the current statement cycle. The statement cycle ends on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Power Checking qualifications in- clude: Enroll in and receive electronic statements, have at least 15 debit card purchases post and clear, have at least one direct deposit, auto debit from a third party, or an online bill payment transaction post and clear. The $150 bonus will be forfeited if account is closed within six months of account opening. Bonus will be reported to the IRS. Not valid with any other checking account offer. You are not required to open a Power Savings account to qualify for $150 bonus. A $100 minimum deposit is required to open Power Checking or Power Savings.
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