ABCompany, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan
Enrollment Booklet ABCompany, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan
895 Main Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 | 800.548.2994
• Your Retirement Plan
• Why You Should Participate
• Participant Journey
• Investment Basics
• Choose the Right Strategy
• Time to Get Started
• Additional Resources
Introducing Your Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan
Congratulations! You are eligible to participate in your employer sponsored retirement plan. Saving for retirement requires planning, preparation, and self-discipline. We help you every step of the way! American Trust, your retirement plan provider, has professionals dedicated to helping you achieve a successful and stress-free retirement. With our extensive knowledge and expertise, we can educate and guide you in planning for your future. We are extremely proud of our award-winning client service and look forward to building a relationship with you on a one-on-one basis. Educating You The enrollment booklet is designed to make the retirement process easy and convenient for you. The path to retirement can be challenging at times, but rewards lie ahead. We will help you with quick and simple planning that will put you on the path toward achieving your retirement goals!
Your Retirement Plan
Start building your retirement savings now.
What is a 401(k) Retirement Plan?
The Basics A 401(k) is an employer sponsored account that enables you to save money and grow your retirement savings.
• Sponsored by your employer • Allows you to make contributions • Tax advantage: defer taxes until distribution and/or potential for tax-free income
How it Works Saving for retirement is easy. You decide the amount you want deducted from your pay check to contribute to your retirement plan. That amount is immediately placed into your 401(k) account and invested into the investment strategy you chose. The money you invest accumulates tax-deferred/tax-free in your account.
Note: The amount you contribute can be adjusted. Refer to your Plan Information to find out how often your plan allows for changes.
Advantages of Saving in a Retirement Plan
• By contributing Pre-tax, you can lower your taxes and keep more of what you’ve earned • Compounding–your balance may accumulate quickly, earning interest on top of interest • Investment customization and flexibility • Saving is easy with an automatic deduction from your paycheck • It is portable. If you leave your current employer, you can move the money to your next employer’s 401(k) or another qualified plan, such as an IRA
Plan Information Review important information detailing the benefits of your employer sponsored retirement plan, including specifics on contributions, vesting, distributions, fees, and more.
SPD Outline
Safe Harbor Notice
Disability Claims Procedure
Summary Plan Description
Fee Disclosure
Investment Information View the list of investment options, quarterly returns, and fact sheets within your retirement plan.
Investment Options
Fund Line-up with Returns
Fund Fact Sheets
Qualified Default Investment Alternative Notice
Why You Should Participate
When it comes to retirement, time is money.
A Lifetime of Saving
Earn Interest on Interest: Start Early
Compounding is the process of generating more return on an asset's reinvested earnings. To work, it requires two things: the reinvestment of earnings and time. For younger investors, it is the greatest investing tool possible, and the number one argument for starting as early as possible.
Sample scenario:
See How Starting Early Can Benefit You!
Participant A Saving $100/month ($20/week) for 36 years = $234,138 Participant B Saving $200/month ($40/week) for 18 years = $93,730
Note: assuming an 8% annual rate of return and both contributing $43,200.
Click here to see more scenarios.
Tax Deferred Growth
You don’t pay taxes on money in your retirement account until you begin to use it as your income or withdraw cash. Your savings will stay invested and may earn interest for you, equaling faster growth.
Dollar Cost Averaging
Dollar cost averaging is buying a fixed dollar amount of an investment on a regular schedule, regardless of the price. More shares are purchased when prices are low and less shares are purchased when prices are high. Dollar cost averaging lessens the risk of investing a large amount in a single investment at the wrong time. You decide on the amount you want to contribute to your retirement account. This enables you to invest a fixed amount of money over a fixed period of time. Here’s an example: You contribute $50 per week. While the amount of $50 does not change from week to week, the price of the funds you invest in will. The lower the price of the shares at the time you contribute, the more you buy. Click here to see an example of dollar cost averaging.
Potential Tax Savings
When you contribute money–Pre-tax–to your 401(k) plan, you may keep more of what you have earned.
Here’s an example:
Income Taxes Taxable income before contributing $35,000 $5,250 Annual pre-tax contributions ($200 × 12 months) $2,400 - Taxable income after contribution $32,600 $4,890 Tax Savings - $360
Example for illustrative purposes only. Taxes are based on 2016 tax tables for a single filer. Consult for your tax advisor for specific information.
Participant Journey
Achieve retirement readiness with ATBlueprint ®
ATBlueprint ®
A Powerful Process The ATBlueprint tracks your progress to retirement. It is designed to:
• Define the relationship between your current and future income needs • Use monthly returns in future progress projections and cost of living adjustments based on residency • Suggest ways to increase your retirement balance
• Offer relevant ways to improve outcomes • Project your beneficiary’s monthly benefits • Estimate annual costs of long term-care insurance
Click here to view a sample ATBlueprint.
ATBlueprint ® Customization
Reach Retirement Goals with Confidence Customizing the ATBlueprint helps you to be better prepared and feel more confident in reaching your retirement goals. You can accomplish this by creating and/or customizing your ATBlueprint by using specific measurements, including compensation, savings rates, and more. Additional information from other retirement accounts can also be incorporated.
Learn more about ATBlueprint.
Interactive Online Experience
Track Your Progress American Trust is proud to introduce the ATFutureBuilder Interactive Online Experience, an effective new way to educate you about the importance of enrolling in and staying engaged with your retirement plan. It guides your through a personalized, interactive experience that provides information about your retirement plan in an easy-to-understand format.
Sign up for eBal!
Instant Account Balance Notification Sign up for eBal and receive your account balance weekly, monthly, or quarterly by email or text message. To sign up, visit and click on eBal under Quick Links.
Investment Basics
Overall understanding of the strategies of investing.
Types of Investment Solutions
Mutual Funds A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt. The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio. Investors buy shares in mutual funds. Each share represents an investor’s part ownership in the fund and the income it generates. Types of mutual funds include: • Stable value fund: delivers safety and stability by preserving principal and accumulated earnings. Similar to a money market fund, but aims to offer stability and higher returns • Bond fund: essentially a loan that can be issued by a government and/or their agencies, or by corporations and asset-backed securities issuers to raise money or capital. Typically less volatile than a stock fund. Unlike certain types of individual bonds, bond funds do not mature and are not guaranteed • Stock mutual fund: pools money from many investors to invest in a group of stocks from a certain variety of companies
Learn more about Mutual Funds.
Asset Allocation Asset allocation is dividing your money into different asset classes, such as stable value, stock funds, or bond funds. Since these funds can experience gains and losses at different times, spreading your investments between funds can help balance fluctuations in your account performance. Having an effective asset allocation mix can be the most important factor in the performance of your retirement account.
Learn more about Asset Allocation.
Portfolio Rebalancing Portfolio rebalancing enables you to control the risk level and minimize risk. The asset mix originally created by an investor inevitably changes as a result of differing returns among various securities and asset classes. As a result, the percentage you allocated to different asset classes changes.
Diversification Diversification is a technique used to control risk by investing in different types of mutual funds that would each react differently to the same event in the market. Your risks can be minimized through diversification. For example: your portfolio is heavily invested in airline company funds. It is publicly announced that airline pilots are going on an indefinite strike and all flights are canceled. Share prices of airline stocks drop. Your portfolio would experience a noticeable decline in value. However, if you counterbalanced funds weighted in the airline industry with funds weighted in the financial industry, only a portion of your portfolio would be affected.
Most investment professionals agree, although it does not guarantee against loss, diversification is a very important component of reaching long-range financial goals while minimizing risk.
Choose the Right Strategy
When it comes to investing, it’s good to have options.
Investment Options ActivePlatform
Choose and Manage Your Own
OppenheimerDevelopingMarkets HartfordSmallCapGrowth T.RowePriceMid-CapGrowth T.RowePrice LargeGrowth ColumbiaMidCap Index MFS Instl InternationalEquity PrudentialSmall-Cap Value Victory SycamoreEstablished Value Vanguard500 IndexAdmiral AmericanBeacon Large Value American FundsAmericanBalanced BlackrockHigh YieldBond LoomisSaylesCorePlusBond VanguardShort-Term Inv-GradeAdmiral American TrustStable Value
Hands on Approach to Investing
• Enjoy researching investments, reading prospectuses, and matching individual funds to your goals
Investment Facts
The following pagesdetail the investments that youmay choose to invest in your retirementprogram.Whenmaking investmentdecisions, consider the length of time until retirement, other investments ( funds,CDs, spouse’s retirementplan), andhowmuch risk you arewilling to take.
• Have the time to monitor your portfolio
• Are confident you can build your own portfolio mix, diversify your investments, and use asset allocation effectively
895MainStreet,Dubuque, IA 52001 800.548.2994
View the list of funds available to you.
• Are comfortable making decisions when buying and selling funds, and rebalancing your account during times of market volatility
Select a Portfolio
Actively Managed for You
• Don’t have the time to manage your investments
• Prefer investment professionals to allocate your funds, but you can still monitor your account and make changes to your risk level when needed
• Comfortable in choosing a portfolio that best fits your risk level and time horizon
Determine which portfolio is best for you.
• Prefer all research, trades, balancing, and all transational activities be made for you
Tactically Managed for You
• Are not confident in making investment decisions and want decisions made for you
• Are comfortable with someone making necessary adjustments for you made when risk levels change
• Want your account reviewed and automatically have your investments reallocated to the most appropriate fund
• Prefer to see results without doing the work
Proprietary, Sustainable Retirement Strategy The ATArchitect is an optional patent-pending, sustainable retirement strategy that automatically and systematically understands participants’ financial needs, tracks their progress, and (re)allocates funds to their best path. It adjusts allocation among our five ATDynamic allocation funds based on personal characteristics, ATBlueprint ® calculations, and current market conditions. Participant accounts are reviewed each week and, if necessary, ATArchitect will automatically reallocate investments to the most appropriate fund. An Exclusive, Unbiased Process Age-only allocation models (ex. Lifestyle or Target Date funds) invests your money based on age alone and do not consider other factors which greatly impact decisions, and howmoney is only moved when during certain age ranges. It considers not only age, but other measurements from the ATBlueprint ® , including contributions, compensation, current balance, state of residency, other retirement accounts, Social Security, market conditions, and more. ATArchitect can also separate the current account balance and new contributions, and invest them differently based on market conditions and investment principles such as trend analysis and dollar cost averaging. This separation can have a significant impact on overall performance. The results are proven and astounding.
Click here for current ATArchitect results.
Time to Get Started!
Start saving now for retirement.
Enroll Easily With ATFutureBuilder
Step-by-Step Guidance When it comes to retirement planning, it can be difficult to know where to begin. ATFutureBuilder can help. With step-by-step guidance from our virtual hosts, planning for retirement can be quick and easy.
1. Log in to your account 2. Complete your enrollment 3. Welcome to ATFutureBuilder 4. Personalize your ATBlueprint® 5. Improve your outlook 6. Select your deferral/contribution 7. Choose your investment strategy 8. Add a beneficiary
Click here to get started!
9. Review your investor profile 10. Enroll, invest, and enjoy!
Click here for detailed instructions on how to enroll online with ATFutureBuilder!
Additional Resources
Pre-Tax versus Roth Contribution Determine which is best for you: Pre-Tax or Roth contributions.
Reasons to Customize your ATBlueprint® See why providing additional information makes your ATBlueprint® more powerful.
Strengthen Your Savings Potential Tips on how you can save additional money for retirement.
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Access Your Account Multiple ways to view and manage your retirement account.
Budget Worksheet A guide to help you determine your actual expense needs today and estimate what expenses you may have at retirement.
Financial Calculators Informational and interactive calculators available to you as self-help tools.
Forms Get started on saving for retirement by completing these forms.
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