Celebrate 401(k) Day ALL Week!
42% of Americans will re
The 2018 GOBankingRates Retirement Savings survey found that 42% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved. If they don’t boost their savings, they’ll likely retire broke because that’s not enough to cover a year’s worth of expenses. On average, adults 65 and older spend almost $46,000 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Included in that 42% with less than $10,000 saved is the 14% of respondents with absolutely nothing saved for retirement. This group could be at the most risk of retiring broke if they don’t start taking steps to catch up on retirement savings.
12.6% 12.0%
< $10k
$10k-$49k $50k-$99k
$100k- $199k
$200k- $299k
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